Optical Illusion : Leaning Tower of Pisa

You all must be familiar with the Leaning Tower of Pisa right. Today, we bring you an illusion based on the same. Two pictures of the tower have been placed side by side. Now you have to decide which one is leaning towards the right more. If you said that it is the right one, then you are in for a surprise. This is because if you try to measure the tilt, you will find that both of them are equally leaned. But still, the right one appears to be more tilted. This is because of a slightly different camera angle in the second image that makes it appear like it is more tilted.

category : TRICKY


Optical Illusion : Crazy and Impossible Atomium Sculpture

You all must have seen the atomic structures right? We all have studied this much science and even if not, we must have seen it in some sci-fi flick. But what makes this structure special is that this illusion is entirely impossible. It has been created by Pawel Hynek and he did it in 2006. You can try creating it on your own but you will not be able to. This is because it can't exists of its own in the real world.

category : IMPOSSIBLE | 3D

Optical Illusion : Don't Look Down 3D Art

This illusion is so real that you might want to shout out at the little kids to be careful or even jump into the scene to save them from falling. It is unbelievable how an artist can create such real depths on a flat floor. It is an amazing piece of 3D art that can trick anybody walking around it. But look at the kids. They are really having fun crossing the corners.

category : AMAZING | ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Hands on Face

This illusion has been pretty popular on the social media. Often quoted as the Face Paint Optical Illusion, this illusion deserves all the praise that it has received. We all keep our hands on our face at several occasions but one artist was creative enough to take it up and create an illusion of the same by painting it on a face. This is one of those body paint illusion that grabs your attention wherever you see it and you can't help but share it.

Optical Illusion : Scary Eyes

Behold yourself as this illusion is definitely going to halt your breath. If it did not, then probably you have not glanced at the eyes properly? Are the eyes open? Where are the eyelashes then? Are they closed? Do you think that the eye lids were painted to generate that illusion? Or do you think that the eyelashes on the lower eye lid are painted and the upper trimmed to generate the illusion? Confused right? This is a remarkable body art that has left us speechless too. Anyhow, it is scary to glance at those eyes.

category : ART | FACE

Optical Illusion : Paradox Staircase

This is quite a popular illusion and you might have found it at so many places on the internet. How could we refrain from putting it on our site then? Yes it looks absolutely normal on the first glance. But just observe and analyze the image carefully. Do you think you can ever come up with a real life version of it? Can it even exist anywhere other than a virtual medium? Of course it can't. It is an example of paradox figures and by all means, it contradicts whatever it suggest itself.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Headless Girl in Restaurant

Well this is a sheer sign of creativity. You can clearly see a girl sitting along with another girl who has a head missing. The first thought will obviously be that the photo has been edited. But let us tell you that it is not the trick here. Can you find some salt and pepper boxes in the picture. Why are they double? It is because there is a mirror in between for the partition. This is the reason why you are seeing a headless girl. It is actually a mirror reflection. You are seeing only till the mirror is there. Isn't it awesome? Well you can try the same when you are sitting in a similar fashioned restaurant next time.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Trashing the Sun

Now this man is doing something that probably makes him the most powerful man on the earth. He has literally kept the sun in the mobile dustbin and now he is going to trash the sun. Well that's just how it appears to be. But hands down, it is so impressive that we must applause for the creative mind. The placement, the angle of camera and the perspective, everything is just perfect and makes it so amazing an illusion. Does this illusion stir up your creative minds to create something of your own?

Optical Illusion : Scary Pumpkin Carving

By all means, this pumpkin looks quite scary. We wonder if anybody is exposed to this sight at night, will he be scared or very scared. Gosh! Look at those fangs. It looks like he is all set to gulp down his next target or may be suck that damn blood from the victim. Other than the scary facial features, the artist has carved the entire pumpkin which is evident from this view of the camera. Most of the people just carve on one front but he has done quite some efforts to do it all the way round and the result is amazing.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Fancy Stilettos

We bet you did not notice the stiletto placed in the white area in the first glance. What you might have noticed is the zoomed in image on the left. Now what does that look like? We are sure we need not explain anything as that is what most of the minds would have thought about and why not? It appears to be a sensual female figure but when you look at the stiletto picture, you realize that you have been dirty thinking again. They are just a pair of feet wearing the pair of stilettos. Next time when your mind is busy thinking odd things, do think in other sense as well.

Optical Illusion : Ship with Scraped Metal

So, we have come up with another scraped metal shadow illusion. This time, it is a ship, a huge sailing ship. Again, if you look at the scraped and welded metal, nothing is clear. No one can have any idea why the metal pieces have been welded in this manner. But the moment you throw light on the scraped metal, you find a shadow on the opposite side that is enough to sweep you off your feet. A huge ship is what you see and then comes the wondering. How is this even possible? Well you have to ask the artist for the explanation.

category : AMAZING

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