Optical Illusion : Irregular Floor of a Gaming Store

This picture has been taken inside a gaming store in Paris. By seeing the carpet you might get a feeling that the store is built on an irregular surface and might want to check your steps while walking. But in reality the surface is as plane as it can get. So why does you perceive it as an irregular surface where you might trip while walking? It is because of the lines that have been printed over the carpet. The lines are curved and stretched in a manner that gives an illusion that the floor surface is irregular.


Optical Illusion : Cool House Window

You probably would never have imagined the plain and simple window to create such an illusion. This illusion was created by Valentin Dubinin. What strikes you the first? For most of the people, it would be the broken glasses of the window. But then you will find all the impossibilities in this single image. No doubt it is a masterpiece and tells you the possibilities from different angles within itself.

Optical Illusion : Amazing Body Swan

This illusion that we have picked for you will blow your mind. Undoubtedly at the first look you were not able to acknowledge that it was a body of a model. Now you must be checking the image again right? This is the beauty of this body paint illusion. The artist has used the body of a model as a canvas to create an illusion of a swan. The artist's name is Gesine Marwedel and by all means this is an amazing illusion.

Optical Illusion : Disappearing Spots

You must have seen so many disappearing effect illusions. This one is just another version of the same. You can see three different colored spots placed around a small black dot in the middle. All you have to do is stare at that black dot for some time. Do it long enough and you will find the surrounding dots disappear. It works all well for most of the people. Were you able to achieve the effect?

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Creepy Hand from the Jacket

Now the first look at this amazing illusion and you will be left shocked. Of course a guy is sleeping and that is pretty normal. But there is a hand emerging out from the jacket above him. Wait, there is no one who is wearing that jacket and the jacket is just lying there. Probably he only had removed it before sleeping off. Now that is really quite creepy unless until we tell you the truth behind it. The hand is actually of the guy who has folded it down from his pillow and kept it on his head. You can try the same thing yourself. It is just the placement of jacket that is creating this illusion.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Uninvolved in Peace

Now the UN people will be angered by looking at this picture. Clearly the board behind this man reads - Involved in Peace and there is the logo below that as well. The man wearing the helmet is having UN written on his helmet. But when he is standing at the current place and when the photograph is taken from this angle, it looks like he is stating that he is Uninvolved in Peace. It's funny how sometimes you are not even aware of these things when the pictures are clicked. But sometimes you do it deliberately as well. So which was it Mr. Photographer.

Optical Illusion : Creative Library

This is an amazing painting. Of course it can't exist in the real world but the sheer creativity is amazing to look at. The base is merging with the first level. At each levels, you can see a different doorway opening (through different doors). Well it certainly is a dream library. Consider the fact that you can actually read while sitting on a door that opens to space, sea, woods, sky etc. Who would not want to sit and read in such a library?

Optical Illusion : Stripping on Street

One has to be crazy to strip like that in public. People do anything to grab the attention of the masses. This is one of such cases. Well not in a wrong manner of course. What we said is how the photographer wants us to perceive things. The truth is however that she is not stripping. What you see emerging out of her sweatshirt is actually her elbow. She has folded her arm in a manner that is stimulating your dirty brains. A commendable job if done voluntarily but a funny mistake if done involuntarily.

Optical Illusion : Trippy Donut

It seems like this image will never stop. There is no animation included. But the opposite spiral pattern on the donut shape and the background keeps contradicting with each other and thus reproduce and output that is received by our eyes as motion. If you can't notice anything, try to scroll the page up and down while looking at it. You can try another thing. If you save this image on your desktop, you can open it separately and try to zoom in and out while staring at it. Do tell us if you felt anything.

category : TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Realistic Dog Tag Sketch

You will think that he is holding the chain of the dog tag between his fingers. But then if you look at the dog tag, you will feel that it is a sketch. So what sorcery has the artist done here? Well actually, the whole of the picture you see has been sketched by him. This is the beauty of 3d sketching and we believe that he has done a good job merging the 3d sketching with the basic two dimensional sketch. Also, a bullet appears to be a complementary object along with the main sketch or did he want it to appear tough?

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Wolverine or Two Bat Men

Now this is something amusing. We all know who wolverine is and who batman is. This is truly a picture of the x-men star Wolverine with the old comic style costume. But wait. Try to forget the yellow portion. Do you see two batmen facing each other in the picture? You did not see that coming did you? Well, this is amazing because no one would have thought of it like that till they actually saw this illusion.

category : TRICKY

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