Optical Illusion : Impossible Geometric Wooden Figures

Both the objects that you see in the attached image are impossible to exist in the real world. But it is the sheer creativity of the artist who has created these impossible object illusions that are worth appreciating. Spend your time analyzing the creativity and share if you want other people to be stunned as well.


Optical Illusion : Popular Duck or Rabbit

What do you see - a duck or a rabbit ?

category : TRICKY | PUZZLES

Optical Illusion : Romantic Heart Coffee Foam Art

Imagine waking up to a cup of coffee as mentioned in this post. How romantic will it be if your partner made this little coffee foam art for you early morning! Yes this is one of the simplest art you will come across under the category but sometimes the emotions matter much more than the art. This simple art is capable of mending broken hearts or kick starting a bright day. Never underestimate the power of romantic gestures. As much simple as they may seem, they can be a powerful catalyst to any relationship.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Impossible Swimming Pool

This is a really fascinating paradox art. Hats off to the artist as it looks extremely real to the naked eyes. The shadows and lighting is just perfect and adds so much more depth to this illusion. You can see a man climbing for the diving board and you can also see his distant shadow on floor. But the board he is climbing for connects to the surface only. How can this be possible? Well it can't be (in real life) but it looks so believable in the picture. This is really one of the best paradox illusions we have ever come across so far.

category : IMPOSSIBLE | ART

Optical Illusion : The flaming Fart

Now this one is really funny. Amazing job guys! Just look at what the guy is doing. He is making it so much more believable by closing his nose with his fingers. Ohk one more thing is the camera angle which is just perfect. The placement of the guy and all is very important and we think that they thought of everything. The flow of flames is emerging right from behind. If the guy was standing even a bit on left, it would not have appeared that impressive. Anyhow, it is pretty funny right? We could not stop laughing.

Optical Illusion : Rocket Speed Bird

Well this bird has got a jetpack installed on its back it seems which is enabling it to fly at rocket speed leaving the trail behind. Whoever has clicked this pick happens to have a great timing or just got lucky. A moment here or there and the result would not have been as astounding as it appears to be now. Of course there is a jet hidden behind the bird. What were you thinking? Timing plays a major role in such illusions. You should literally be camera ready always. Who know what you may find the next moment that is worth capturing?

category : COOL | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Framing the Sun

It looks like this guy is holding a photo frame which contains an amazing painting of the sun. The truth is however not that. This guy is just holding a hollow wooden frame. What you see inside the frame is actually the real sun that have been clouded. The background color in the frame and the sky gives it away. But that is a unique approach and highly creative. Moreover, now that you know how to do it, you can create some interesting picture of yours as well. If you do that, do not forget to send us.

Optical Illusion : Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds Carving

We are not sure how many of you are familiar with the movie The Birds by the master of horror and thrillers Alfred Hitchcock. If you don't know about it, just Google it and see how the poster looks like. This carving has been done is a similar fashion and pays a tribute to the legend and his masterpiece. It's crazy really. We can only imagine how much efforts would have been required for such a complex carving. Great job done by the artist for sure.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Maleficent Carving

You all must be familiar with the famous fairy tale character Maleficent. Recently Disney also released a movie based on it, which told us the alternate story of the cursed witch. The witch you see in the front is Maleficent only and on the back you can see a dragon emitting out fire through his mouth and finally offering a great background to the standing witch. The art comprises of minute carvings over the pumpkin's surface. Of course a lot of patience was required to create such a fine piece but in the end, the hard work paid off well as the result is outstanding.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Scary Pumpkin Carving

By all means, this pumpkin looks quite scary. We wonder if anybody is exposed to this sight at night, will he be scared or very scared. Gosh! Look at those fangs. It looks like he is all set to gulp down his next target or may be suck that damn blood from the victim. Other than the scary facial features, the artist has carved the entire pumpkin which is evident from this view of the camera. Most of the people just carve on one front but he has done quite some efforts to do it all the way round and the result is amazing.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Creative Library

This is an amazing painting. Of course it can't exist in the real world but the sheer creativity is amazing to look at. The base is merging with the first level. At each levels, you can see a different doorway opening (through different doors). Well it certainly is a dream library. Consider the fact that you can actually read while sitting on a door that opens to space, sea, woods, sky etc. Who would not want to sit and read in such a library?

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