Optical Illusion : Hungry Shark inside Elevator

This is what you call an amazing and mind blowing optical illusion. So, it seems like there is no floor inside the elevator and the ground has been filled by water which is inhabited by a hungry shark. The art is too realistic and so impressive that one must give a bow to the artist. But look at the guy. He is literally enacting scared and trying to stay away from the shark. We have always been writing that everything counts when you are portraying an illusion. Now this illusion might not have looked so great if this guys was standing there or laughing or even if nobody was inside. So full marks for this illusions. Truly an amazing job by the artist.

category : AMAZING | ART | 3D


Optical Illusion : Standard Moving Square

Hold back your head steady. Now just scroll the webpage up and down with moderate speed. What do you see?

Optical Illusion : Amazing Public Staircase Art

At first look it may come across your mind that someone has photoshopped the picture to make a fake illusion. But what if we tell you that this picture has been taken at the Bayview subway station in Toronto and it is a real life public illusion art? The art is certainly stunningly impressive. We all can see a staircase that goes from the floor to the middle of the wall. However what we perceive as a 3D object is merely a 2D drawing over the wall and floor to make an illusion. The artist is definitely great.

Optical Illusion : Tree in a Barren Land

Well you can clearly see that the entire land is not barren. But that barren portion when looked from the bird eye view is actually crafting a shape. The shape of a tree in a barren land here is acting like an ironical metaphor. But let's not go into all that stuff for now. Let's just concentrate on this beautiful illusion that is a part of the nature. If you zoom in to the above portion, you can even make out branches making it much more impressive.

Optical Illusion : Man inside Coffee Cup

Now this is a funny one. Especially when you look at the expressions of the man and with a rubber duck sitting at the top of the camera lens with almost same size as that of the man. So what is the trick here? Actually the coffee cup is quite close to the camera lens. The man is however sitting at the other side. His body has been hidden by the cup and the cup appears so large just because of the perspective. This is quite simple to achieve and you can all try at your respective homes.

Optical Illusion : Statue of Liberty Carved Pumpkin

Ah! It might be a nice feeling for the US people. The artist even carved out the torch and placed it on the stool to offer a complete picture that looks quite effective. We shall not talk about the quality of this work as you can already see how finely the artist has done the carving emphasizing on each and every detail that are present in the original statue. This is a good job done by the artist for sure.

category : COOL | ART

Optical Illusion : Funny Cat's Tail

We know it is a little over the limit but there is nothing wrong with this picture. May be if your mind was not in a provocative mood, you would have realized the reality at the first glance itself. Nobody here has edited this image and made it look like that. It is purely a real image. To tell you the truth, it is just this cat's tail. Well, somebody has made him sit on it for sure but that's it. How you perceive this tail is entirely based on the creativity of your mind. Look at him, he's so cute right? Having no idea what is actually happening.

Optical Illusion : Reversed World

At the first glance, especially when you don't read the title of this illusion, you will be amazed. You will feel like you are watching an amazing piece of art or an extremely beautifully edited image as this is not possible in the real world. How can it be? When you are done with adorning the image, you can just turn this image 180 degrees and find out the truth. This is what exactly was going on. This photo has just been turned upside down and the shadows have been made by an overhead sun. Next time when you come across anything like this, do not forget to tilt the image to find out truth.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Sitting on Commode

Now, this is one interesting shadow illusion. On the wall, you can see a person sitting on the commode and lost in his own thoughts. But the reality is completely different when you look at what is making the shadow. There are three people and a rectangle box. Together, they are taking a position that makes the shadow on the wall. Looking at their faces, you can guess how much they are enjoying their little activity. This is kind of a thing that you can try as well. See if you can come up with something as interesting as this.

category : FUNNY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Statue of Liberty Shadow

This is definitely an easy one. But yet, the effort and innovativeness was good. You actually have to think before doing anything. After watching something, so many people can imitate but to come up with something is actually difficult. This is what the lady is doing in this illusion. She has positioned herself in the position like you can see in the statue of liberty. We are not sure what she has in her hair that are making up for the crown. Overall, the output is decent enough and something you can try at homes as well.

Optical Illusion : Floating Tap

This image is bound to generate curiosity in every mind. "How is this possible?" is the question which crops up in mind after seeing this. This marvelous illusion is created with the help of a hidden pipe under the stream of water. This whole structure stands on it. While supporting the structure, the pipe also serves as water carrier.

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