Optical Illusion : Giant Balloon

This girl has got some great set of lungs. Who can even think of blowing this big a balloon otherwise? Well that's not what she is doing in real. She is just enacting of doing that. The balloon is a normal sized one and it has been place quite close to the camera lens making it appear so big. The girl being far ahead appears small in the size relatively. It is just perspective. If you know how to play with it, you can create some wonders with your camera. This is just an idea to get your minds running.


Optical Illusion : Premonition Movie Poster

This Sandra Bullock starrer horror movie was quite average in terms of the scare factor but the poster indeed is quite creative. Although you must have seen similar illusions in our site or on the web. But still, not all artists are able to come up with the inspiration in such a great manner. Of course the picture is edited but that does not snatch away the beauty of the illusion created here. After all who expects a movie poster to be a real image without any touch ups or editing. Coming to the illusion, we are sure you can trace a face, probably a female face in the poster that has been made using the branches of the trees and birds.

Optical Illusion : Sea Horse Coffee Foam Art

We do think that a sea horse over a coffee foam can't look cuter than this. What if you walk into a coffee shop and you are treated with this amazing art in your cup? That would surly make up for an extra tip right? This art is not a detailed one as only a single tone has been used to produce the final result but it is still quite cool. It might seem easy on the first look but just try it for yourself and you will know the effort behind it.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Abnormal Kid

Well, don't be scared. Remember it is still just an illusion? So what has gone wrong here? Well it looks like a mother is holding her kid. Her head is possibly hiding behind the child and her own legs. But of course, what is cleverly used is the camera angle. The person who shot it had clearly made up the mind how to make it look or it might not have been possible. Since you can see that for creating such an illusion, all you need is a camera and you can easily make one of your own. Probably your child will have a gala time looking at it in future.

category : PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Dancing Tree Girl

This is another tree illusion which has been captured from an excellent camera angle making it so effective. Of course we need not explain much to you in context as you can clearly make out the figure of a girl who is supposedly doing a dance move lifting one of her leg in the air. The two branches that are moving upwards fill in for her hands and you can even make out the chest line from this angle. A work of nature indeed glorified by the photographer.

Optical Illusion : F!@#ing Rats

This shadow illusion has been created by artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster. What might appear as scraped welded metal to the naked eyes is a bit mischievous when you look through the artists eyes. For that, you just have to light up a torch and throw the light on the metal keeping it close to the wall. What do you see now? You see two rats f!@#ing each other. Now that's a little bit creepy. We bet nobody saw that coming when they looked at the metal waste. But that's what art is all about. These artists have done an amazing job at that.

Optical Illusion : Giant Killer Gun Sketch

This is really amazing. Unbelievable! This artist has some real talent and the fact that we are blown over by his skills is the proof of it. The huge gun appears to be coming right through the canvas to kill him. It feels like it was sketched on a three dimensional plane although it is just a two dimensional sketch. Another interesting part of this sketch is the bird that seems to have been tied to his hand. It symbolizes the fact that he needs peace. It is great that artists can add the symbolism and metaphors to their art that are supposed to just blow away our mind.

category : AMAZING | ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : 3D Mario Realistic Sketch

This will bring back the childhood memories. Of course, back then Mario did not appear in the three dimensional figure but keeping in the mind the popularity, the makes designed the 3d platform games for the kids. So let's not deviate from the topic here. The 3D Mario figure that you see is basically a two dimensional sketch. But it don't appear to be right? That is the art and the artist has been able to achieve great results for sure.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Witch Reading Book

Someone must have done it intentionally. This is because the position of the book is exactly what it should be. It is matching the outline of the real girl's face with the witch's face that is printed on the book's cover. This is the reason why it is creating an illusion that the girl is the witch actually. However, the girl's face is hidden behind the book actually. Now, this is something that you can create yourself as well. Pretty easy right?

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Horse shaped Cloud

You can clearly see a horse in the sky. No, it is not a digitally modified if you are thinking that. We are sure, you might have come across such things often when you looked up at the clouded sky. Some people like to take the picture of such things and they are the reason why we are sharing it today with you and you are getting amazed by looking it. Did you like the illusion? Do not forget to share with your friends if you did.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Swimming Pool

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