Optical Illusion : Fun at Beach

This is the perfect example of how illusions are super fun. All you require is a camera and a little knowledge about perspective and you can create wonders. Just look at the picture and you can imagine how much fun it was for the woman. Could you not have created a similar illusion when you visited a beach? But it might never have crossed your mind right? Never mind, now you have an idea and you can even explore it furthermore.

category : COOL


Optical Illusion : Famous Cars Size Perspective Distortion

Are the three cars shown in the picture of same size?

Optical Illusion : Scary Death Trap Elevator 3d Art

What if the elevator's doors opened up and you found out this? We are pretty sure you will lose your balance even before taking your first step inside. Certainly such arts can give you a chill down your spine. But what an amazing art by the artist. It looks so real that most of us will not step inside before touching the floor with our bare hands and confirming that it is just an art.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Enlarged Letter

We have another illusion today to astonish you. You can see two pictures below this post. Now prepare yourself for the amusement that will strike you after this afterimage illusion. Check the B image first. You have to stare at the cross between the two circles. Stare them for about thirty seconds. Now immediately look at the above image at the cross between two same sized a's. You will feel that the left letter is bigger than the right one. If you were not able to achieve the illusion, try again and this time stare for a minute.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Enigmatic Painting

This is a marvelous piece of art. The painting might look simple at the first glance but if you concentrate, you will be awarded with one fine example of ambiguous illusion. What was the first thing you perceived? We are sure that most of you saw the face of an old man. But if you concentrate, you will see a horse rider in the image. Once you can find it, it will be a lot difficult to perceive the old man's face again. Anyways, you can also find a women lying down on the right side of the rider. Also, now you may perceive the white hair as a river flowing down and the dark hair at the right most as trees. Were you able to perceive anything else than that? Do leave in your comments if you were.

category : ART | FACE

Optical Illusion : Three Legged Girl

Even when we looked at this illusion at first, we were shocked. We guess you are having a similar fate right? For a couple of seconds we could not find out what was going on in this picture and then our eyes fell on the vase. Have you located the vase yet? Just look at her hands. She is holding an empty flower vase whose color matches with the stockings over her legs. The left most leg is actually a vase. But that is not how one can perceive it to be without exploring and looking at the image carefully right?

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Lips Shaped Flower

Now this one is really cute. We are sure that you must have seen innumerable kinds of flora in real life and on the internet. Some of them definitely amaze us with intriguing shapes. This illusion is one of the similar kinds. You can clearly see the shape of lips in this flower. We are not really sure how this flower looks from some other angle but from here, it looks absolutely magnificent. It's really amusing how nature has crafted this world with her art.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Kids Playing with Sun

Now these kids are super cute as they play with the biggest star of our solar system. Yes, this illusion looks a bit immature but still, it is amazing. It appears as if they are holding the sun using their hands. However as you might already know that the sun is far away and they are not holding anything. They are just enacting it. These kind of illusions are easy to create if you have a decent enough camera and can be created by almost everyone.

Optical Illusion : Funny Broken Elevator Floor

These two friends are holding the sides of the elevator with one hand and holding each other's hand with the other. The reason is simple. The elevator floor is broken or has just broken down leaving them stranded inside. But they are laughing right. This is because they are just posing for the same. Nothing has broken down and it's just a 3d art that you see on the elevator floor. The artist has done a good job but probably these girls could have expressed fear instead of excitement to make it more impressive.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Giant Waterfall on Street

Now this is an amazing work of art. The details with which the artist has worked is just fabulous. It seems like the entire street has been converted into a giant waterfall. Especially the close end of the picture that shows the falling water has been done marvelously. The colors, the shadows, the lighting and the presentation overall is all too great. Doing something so big, it must have required a great talent and a good amount of patience and courage. Hats off to the artist who did this. This is one of the most extensive street art we have ever seen.

Optical Illusion : Hidden Face under Pebbles

This picture appears to be a top view of tons of pebbles. It could exist anywhere but what is so special about these pebbles? Can you spot a face in these pebbles? If you look carefully at the center, you will see that the pebbles are forming facial features like eyes, nose and lips clearly and there is a faint hint of the overall outline of a face as well. Now this is clearly a Photoshop edited image but the overall illusion is nice.

category : FACE

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