Optical Illusion : Faded Colors

This colorful image is not as simple as it may seem. There is an amazing illusion sitting right there waiting for you to explore it. So without waiting any further, let us tell you what you have to do. Just look at the image and now move your head forward without taking your eyes off. Stop at a certain distance and now move your head back again. While you will be moving your head back and forth you will notice that the size or the area covered by specific colors will increase and decrease. Cool right? Do not forget to share this amazing illusion with your friends.

category : LOGIC | COOL


Optical Illusion : Amazing Airplane 3D Street Art

Optical Illusion : Climbing to Moon

The moon is so reachable to this person. But we were taught about the distance in our schools. Then how come it can appear to be reachable? There are several reasons behind this illusion. Fore mostly, in all these illusions, we appreciate the creativity and effort of the photographers. So yes, this would not have been possible without proper distance and the camera angle. Then, the placement of the ladder was very important. The final result is awesome.

category : COOL | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Astonishing Green Dot

Today, we have another color adapting optical illusion that will blow your mind. You can see so many colored dots in the picture below. Can you tell us the color of the center-most big dot? It is green right? But what if we tell you that it is actually grey?

category : LOGIC | AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Color Adapting Wave-Lines

This one is a pretty simple illusion and yet it is really promising when you are researching about the color adaptation. You must be seeing different background colors with purple and orange wave-lines right? However we are telling you the fact that they all have a same white background.

category : LOGIC

Optical Illusion : The Dark Knight Afterimage

We know that most of you are the fans of The Dark Knight so this illusion is dedicated to all of you. The illusion is a simple one. You can see a clip art image of batman below. You have to stare at the middle of the image. Staring at the bat logo will suffice best. Stare there for about half a minute. Now immediately turn your eyes towards a white wall or ceiling and blink your eyes. You will see an inverted image of batman now and it will appear in its true black form. Share among your friends and amaze them too.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Creative VHS Tapes Skull

Now this is really the mother of creativity. Someone has really done a lot of hard work creating this awesome skull illusion. But that really paid off right? The skull is really evident in the image at the first look itself. And he has made it all using the VHS tapes. Look at the image closely and you won't find anything else. Now that is really amazing. Hats off to the creativity and efforts of the artist.

category : AMAZING | ART

Optical Illusion : Legs Up or Down

This is a simple example of ambiguous illusion. Whoever has created this image has done a good job in framing the ambiguous effect. You just have to look at the picture and decide if it shows some feet raised up high or it shows some feet hanging down. Confused right? Let us tell you a secret. The image works in both ways. This is because it has been created in such a way. The artist has just fused the image so you may perceive both in a single image.

category : ART | PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Kill Bill

That's just a normal man. But wait what do you see as the door opens? The man is literally split into two and when the doors open fully you know the reason. Uma Thurman is literally on a killing spree again. The blood smeared sword puts the additional details to the illusion. Well obviously if you are not familiar with the movie you might be wondering what we are babbling about. So for the people who don't know, this illusion signifies a popular movie franchise. It is giving an illusion that the girl with the sword has cut the man into half with the sword.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Bike with Scraped Metal

No one, nobody can ever judge what is going on with the scraped welded metal till he throws light at tit and notices the shadow. That is the moment he will be left flabbergasted. This is because, the shadow appears to be a bike. Even at that, it looks perfectly drawn out of a bike itself. It is amazing how these shadow artists bring up such an amazing shadow illusions that leave us astonished at their creativity and the zeal for their work.

category : AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Hidden Lion Face in Tree

The picture primarily shows a few lions sitting under a tree. They are probably resting under the sun. But look at the tree and you can clearly make out the face of a lion. It's so evident that it cannot exist in real life. This means that this picture has been modified to get the desired result. The only thing we would like to say about it is the fact that the whole image looks digitally amplified and modified in details. Probably one should be a little easy on editing to make the effect look more realistic.

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