Optical Illusion : Disappearing Colors

Probably you have seen this illusion in the social media sites already. But if you have not, you are in for a great surprise today. Below is a faded image comprising of a few colors. What you have to do is stare at it. Just do it for a few seconds blocking out every other thought from your mind and concentrating on the image. Soon, the whole image will disappear from your vision. Did it? Isn't this illusion amazing? Something's can strike you with an amusing surprise and his is surely one of them.

category : COOL


Optical Illusion : Faded Colors

This colorful image is not as simple as it may seem. There is an amazing illusion sitting right there waiting for you to explore it. So without waiting any further, let us tell you what you have to do. Just look at the image and now move your head forward without taking your eyes off. Stop at a certain distance and now move your head back again. While you will be moving your head back and forth you will notice that the size or the area covered by specific colors will increase and decrease. Cool right? Do not forget to share this amazing illusion with your friends.

category : LOGIC | COOL

Optical Illusion : Buttoned Up Body Art

It is true that as the winter arrives, you have to button up your clothes so you can conserve your body heat. But look at this guy. We are sure that no one would want to button up his own skin right? Whoever has created this magnificent body art illusion has done a great deal of efforts to put in details especially if you see the stitched portion. You can clearly see the depth and yes anyone will be scared at first if you are a fan of those B horror movies.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Classic Skull Art

Now this art looks straight out from the vintage times. The picture portrays a woman looking at her own reflection in a hand mirror while sitting in a room. Of course there are a lot of other objects and we leave them to be explored by you all. But we would like to emphasize here on the illusion that has been created magnificently by the artist. Can you spot a skull in this image? Just try to place the head of the woman and the mirror as the eyes of the skull and the chair armrest as the teeth. You found it right? Hats off to the artist.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Identity Movie Poster

Identity is a really well made mystery thriller. It will leave you guessing till the end and when the final revelation is made, it will give you a big shock. Let us concentrate on this amazing poster of the movie. Of course it is a hand which suits well with the title of the movie. But what else can you find? There is a face on the palm. The five fingers also portrays a distinct figure of possibly the leads of the movie (though nothing is clear). We are wondering why such creativity in the posters is seen only in the horror movies?

category : ART | PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Painting the Sun

By all means, this picture looks like a guy is painting the sun. Some of you might even feel that it is a wall and he is painting it in a realistic tone. But the truth is that it is a normal unedited picture. This is just a perspective play by the photographer and the man is actually standing so close to the camera that the sun looks smaller and within his reach. He is just holding the paint brush in air and we perceive it as he has been painting it.

Optical Illusion : Holding the Sun

No, this is not some Photoshop edited image where the artist has given glow to an actual ball. It is actually the sun and no, the guy is not holding it. He is merely enacting that he is holding it (well isn't that obvious?). So this is a pretty simple illusion. All you need is a decent enough camera and a similar setting (place). Just stand in front of the sun and ask your photographer friend to guide you in a manner that the sun appears exactly between your arm and the body.

Optical Illusion : Deformed Face Pumpkin

This is the face of a deformed monster by all means. It looks as ugly as the beast you might have seen in so many movies. But the hands that worked on this pumpkin are surely creative and artistic. The artist has been able to craft out the fine details really well. The facial features are descriptive and detailed. If you noticed, there is a pumpkin emerging out of the forehead. Well that just gives it an uglier look. Is the monster splitting into two with the help of mitosis?

category : ART | FACE

Optical Illusion : Amazing Landscape Painting

Even though this illusion is not a complex one, it is soothing to the eyes and an amazing work of art. Those are just the mountains and a river with a boat in it. You can see some clouds in the sky as well. But what makes the cloud different is how the artist has managed to pull the cloud into his artistic approach and form hot air balloon with them. This is the ISP of this illusion. Even though there is not a lot into it but this sole thought makes it so much impressive.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Metro City Shadow Art

What if we would have hidden the objects that have been placed and displayed just the shadow part of this picture? We are sure that you would never have believed what was responsible for casting the shadow right? Now look at the objects that have been used. Although not much is clear due to the small dimensions of the picture but you can certainly make out a few objects. Isn't it just amazing? We are sure that there are endless possibilities that can be explored now that you know what to do. So, why don't make some of your own?

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Girly Legged Man

What is wrong with this man? He looks perfectly fine till you reach the waist portion. It actually feels more like a girl's pic. Is he abnormal? If no, then what has gone wrong here? Actually if you look at the face of his wife and then relate the body that you are looking with her, you will know what's wrong. It is actually her body that you see. The guy's body is behind her with black shorts and white tee. The way they are overlapping each other has made it look like what you are perceiving.

category : FUNNY

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