Optical Illusion : The Descent Movie Poster

Now this is a movie that most of you might not have heard of. The descent is a horror movie which is a really well made movie if you are interested in a genre. The leads of the movie has been used creatively indeed in this poster. If you pay attention, you can see a skull forming. The center bodies act as eyes and their shoes act as the teeth. The surrounding bodies are forming the skull. While the poster also gives a hint at the macabre you can expect in the movie, it portrays a deadly skull through the leads.

category : ART | PERCEPTION


Optical Illusion : Popular Waving Beans

In this illusion, you can find the beans waving like the sea waves. The color combination is a key to the overall effect. It gives the underlying effect of the ocean over which the beans are waving.

Optical Illusion : Amazing Airplane 3D Street Art

Optical Illusion : Imbalanced See-Saw

Carefully look at the see-saw picture below. You will find that it is slanted towards the triangle. This is probably due to the weight of the triangle kept on the right side. So go ahead and measure the distance between the see-saw and the base and get ready to be amazed. The distance will obviously be equal as this see-saw is not imbalanced but perfectly balanced. You see it slant due to the across lined texture drawn opposite in the base and the see-saw plane. It forms an illusion that things are imbalanced.

Optical Illusion : Angry Bird Coffee Foam Art

Angry bird is one of the most popular android game franchise. Oh yes the PC versions are also available but with the android platform, the game gained a whole new level of popularity. This coffee foam art is definitely a production of a fan mindset. It is crazy how much details can be put in something like that. Look at the expressions of the bird. It do look exactly like we have seen in the game. The details that the artist has given to the expressions is commendable. How do you find this art?

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Enigmatic Painting

This is a marvelous piece of art. The painting might look simple at the first glance but if you concentrate, you will be awarded with one fine example of ambiguous illusion. What was the first thing you perceived? We are sure that most of you saw the face of an old man. But if you concentrate, you will see a horse rider in the image. Once you can find it, it will be a lot difficult to perceive the old man's face again. Anyways, you can also find a women lying down on the right side of the rider. Also, now you may perceive the white hair as a river flowing down and the dark hair at the right most as trees. Were you able to perceive anything else than that? Do leave in your comments if you were.

category : ART | FACE

Optical Illusion : Paradoxical Formation

Although it is a virtually created image, we guess that it serves the purpose of paradox illusions quite well and is also a bit unique in its own manner (although projects the same you have seen so many times). The figure appears to be three dimensional. But to be that stretched, it must not begin and end at the same levels. However clearly in the image, both the beginning and end of the pattern is on the same surface. Is it just us or do you also believe that the sky background behind it is adding so much depth to the final illusion effect?

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Touching the Moon

This guy has achieved what might be a dream of so many. He has touched the moon. This illusion is really awesome. There are so many things that are involved to make it believable and appear so amazing. The biker guy must have been stunting. The bike is merely in the air and the camera angle is so perfect that it really feels that he is touching the moon. The camera angle and the timing was most important is creating this illusion and that has been done neatly.

Optical Illusion : Tilted Road

We remember posting a similar illusion on our website a last month. We are back with another one. This one surely looks more believable and covers a few weak points which were present in the last. For starters, they are just lying down on the pavement. See the shadow of the front man's hand. This can't be possible right? They are actually taking the support of the surface to keep their body above the surface. The camera has been tilted and thus the whole scenario seems titled. Anyhow, it is a job well done. Now this is one of those creative illusions that you can definitely try.

Optical Illusion : Creative Sun Lamp

This guy is using the sun as a lamp and trying to read what maybe his favorite book. Full marks for the creativity here. The tripod is kept at the perfect place and the sun is merging with it perfectly. The guy is even holding a wire adding more details to it. The idea of holding a book was really good and has made it look impressive. Who knows if it would not have looks so good without it? Yes, you will need accessories to create such an illusion but we hope you get an idea and can create something different of your own.

Optical Illusion : Superman Elevator Door

This is the work of an extremely creative mind. We guess all of you must have watched superman movies and must be familiar with what is happening here. It's like superman is opening his shirt to reveal his costume. On the inside of the elevator, you find a superman poster pasted on the far end. But at this point do you think that this would have appeared even better if the insides were painted as the superman costume instead of the poster applied? Anyhow, this is a great elevator illusion and hats off to the creativity.

category : COOL | ART

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