Optical Illusion : Decapitated Head on Beach

Now this outdoor illusion is truly scary. All we see is a body with the head decapitated and kept on the side of the body. But the head is still smiling as if laughing at us because we are truly scared to watch it. No it is because she has managed to fool us. How about if there are two bodies in this illusion? One is lying down and the camera is kept at an angle in which we can't see her head. The other is neck deep in the sand. Surprise right? This is the only possible explanation unless somebody has tried to Photoshop the image.

category : TRICKY


Optical Illusion : Cool House Window

You probably would never have imagined the plain and simple window to create such an illusion. This illusion was created by Valentin Dubinin. What strikes you the first? For most of the people, it would be the broken glasses of the window. But then you will find all the impossibilities in this single image. No doubt it is a masterpiece and tells you the possibilities from different angles within itself.

Optical Illusion : The Mantis that Rode a Bike

This outdoor illusion is a fabulous one. Just look at the picture. It is a Mantis and it is on a sweet ride heading to who knows if saving his girlfriend from hooligans or criminals. Whoever clicked the snap at the right moment has captured a great illusion. Of course, this photo is also quiet good from the technical point of view. It's really crazy how randomly you can come across such illusions in your day to day life.

Optical Illusion : Climbing to Moon

The moon is so reachable to this person. But we were taught about the distance in our schools. Then how come it can appear to be reachable? There are several reasons behind this illusion. Fore mostly, in all these illusions, we appreciate the creativity and effort of the photographers. So yes, this would not have been possible without proper distance and the camera angle. Then, the placement of the ladder was very important. The final result is awesome.

category : COOL | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Leaf Coffee Foam Art

This is another simple coffee foam art. But still, it looks pretty neat and professional right? You won't mind to be surprised with it in a cafe right? It's a leaf according to us. But can you perceive it as something else? Do drop in your comments if you can find any other image popping out of this art.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Giant Balloon

This girl has got some great set of lungs. Who can even think of blowing this big a balloon otherwise? Well that's not what she is doing in real. She is just enacting of doing that. The balloon is a normal sized one and it has been place quite close to the camera lens making it appear so big. The girl being far ahead appears small in the size relatively. It is just perspective. If you know how to play with it, you can create some wonders with your camera. This is just an idea to get your minds running.

Optical Illusion : Mind Blowing Artifice Painting

This is an absolute masterpiece. Of course you will be able to see two different things and situations in this painting. The first one is the portrait which is quite clear. But what helped in making the portrait? The other picture/situation is of a girl standing and awaiting the approaching train. Her hair have been used to form the eyes of the portrait, her arm the nose, the folds of her dress as the mouth and beard. Just look at the ear of the portrait. You will find a street lamp and a person. The steam emerging from the train form the hair of the portrait. Amazing right? Definitely it is.

category : AMAZING | ART

Optical Illusion : Bike with Scraped Metal

No one, nobody can ever judge what is going on with the scraped welded metal till he throws light at tit and notices the shadow. That is the moment he will be left flabbergasted. This is because, the shadow appears to be a bike. Even at that, it looks perfectly drawn out of a bike itself. It is amazing how these shadow artists bring up such an amazing shadow illusions that leave us astonished at their creativity and the zeal for their work.

category : AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Realistic Planes Sketch

These planes reminded us of the popular cartoon series Talespin. The crafts look alike don't they? The planes looks realistic and the art is amazing but what's more amazing is the illusion that the artist has created giving us an effect that these planes exist in a three dimensional plane. The fact however is that they are merely two dimensional sketches. Look at the shadow below them. That does offer more depth to the planes and make them appear to be three dimensional.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Dog Man Driving a Car

What do you see in this picture? It appears that an organism with a dog head and human body is actually driving a car. But that can only happen in the Hollywood movies right? So what has happened in this picture? Actually the picture has been taken by the person sitting on the passenger sitting exactly at the moment when the dog sitting on the backseat had his head between the lens of the camera and the driving person. This has generated an illusion that is being perceived by your eyes.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Middle Finger Cloud

That sure is not a good sight especially if you look at it after having a bad time at the office or probably after a little dispute from your loved ones. What will be the first thought that comes into your mind? We would love to hear about it in the comments. Anyhow, that can certainly ruin the mood or on the contrary can make you laugh rhetorically. Do you think someone has edited the image? Can such an image be real to perfection? Well certainly, sometimes nature amuses us.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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