Optical Illusion : Creative Library

This is an amazing painting. Of course it can't exist in the real world but the sheer creativity is amazing to look at. The base is merging with the first level. At each levels, you can see a different doorway opening (through different doors). Well it certainly is a dream library. Consider the fact that you can actually read while sitting on a door that opens to space, sea, woods, sky etc. Who would not want to sit and read in such a library?


Optical Illusion : Crooked or Straight

Are the lines in the given figure bent or parallel to each other? How many of them are parallel if they are parallel and how many are bent?

category : LOGIC | PUZZLES

Optical Illusion : Impossible Fence Construction

This illusion is so cool. Created with the help of computer generated imagery and rendered to surprise us, this illusion is a great work. You know that this is a CG illusion and yet you can't help but wonder how this illusion was achieved. Of course it cannot be practically created but you can't help yourself in thinking of the possibilities.

Optical Illusion : Don't Look Down 3D Art

This illusion is so real that you might want to shout out at the little kids to be careful or even jump into the scene to save them from falling. It is unbelievable how an artist can create such real depths on a flat floor. It is an amazing piece of 3D art that can trick anybody walking around it. But look at the kids. They are really having fun crossing the corners.

category : AMAZING | ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Scary Death Trap Elevator 3d Art

What if the elevator's doors opened up and you found out this? We are pretty sure you will lose your balance even before taking your first step inside. Certainly such arts can give you a chill down your spine. But what an amazing art by the artist. It looks so real that most of us will not step inside before touching the floor with our bare hands and confirming that it is just an art.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Count the Orange Spots

This is a popular illusion and we have already shared so many similar illusions. Usually, you will come across finding black dots or white spots sort of illusions but we bring you a more colorful version of the same effect. Just run your eyes here and there and you will find orange dots or spot appearing and disappearing in the image. Were you able to see the illusion? Leave your feedback in the comments section.

Optical Illusion : Two Afterimages in One

Now this illusion is pretty much the same you might have witnessed so many times. But there is something that makes it stand out of the crowd. That is the fact that there are two illusions hiding in one image. Scroll down below and you will see an image. Corresponding to it is a white space. Now the image is made by two separate rectangles. Just stare at the center dot for a while and then shift your gaze from that image to the empty rectangles on the right. You must be able to see one of the rectangle right? Now you can do something interesting. If you achieved the illusion of horizontal rectangle, concentrate on the vertical rectangle this time and vice versa. You will be surprised to find that you see the both of them corresponding to which one of the two rectangles you put your concentration into.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Different length of Lines

There are two different sections of the picture that has been attached here. You can see two different lines. Which line is bigger? Of course you will say that the right one is bigger. However, you can go ahead with your measurement scale and check yourself. It is amazing right? The left image has convex lines at both ends which are decreasing the surrounding area whereas the right image has concave lines increasing the surrounding area. This is the reason behind why the two lines appear to be of different lengths however in reality they are same.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Musical Instrument or a Face

This is a beautiful piece of art. You can see the musical instrument in this picture. Two strings have been broken but they form a crucial part of the other image we are perceiving through this illusion. That images is of a beautiful women's face. The shape of the instrument is forming the curves of the face while the torn strings act as the hair strands falling over her face. The background of cloudy sky makes this overall illusion extremely serene.

category : ART | FACE

Optical Illusion : Tree in a Barren Land

Well you can clearly see that the entire land is not barren. But that barren portion when looked from the bird eye view is actually crafting a shape. The shape of a tree in a barren land here is acting like an ironical metaphor. But let's not go into all that stuff for now. Let's just concentrate on this beautiful illusion that is a part of the nature. If you zoom in to the above portion, you can even make out branches making it much more impressive.

Optical Illusion : Dirty Tall Weeds

It is another of those illusions that will leave you laughing at your own imagination. We need not say what thought crept up your mind the moment you saw this picture. However, when somebody tells you that you are actually looking at a picture that comprises of a few tall weeds, you will not be able to help but smile or laugh. Well, the credit goes to the imagination and creatively dirty mind of the photographer as well (or the Photoshop artist). We often wonder where they get such ideas from.

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