Optical Illusion : Cloud Trails from Fingers

Seems like these four fingers created those trails in the otherwise clear blue sky. Creative right? Lucky? Yeah maybe. It is difficult to find such cloud line ups. But of course, someone might have digitally modified things to his own interest. Whatever it may be, the output result is impressive and encouraging for the people who like to create such illusions. Probably you will keep it in mind next time you come across such clouds.

category : ANAMORPHIC


Optical Illusion : Popular Duck or Rabbit

What do you see - a duck or a rabbit ?

category : TRICKY | PUZZLES

Optical Illusion : Famous Scintillating Grid Illusion

Can you count the number of black dots in the picture?

Optical Illusion : Fountain out of Mouth

This illusion is so simple and yet so awesome. The placement of the lady and the erupting fountain behind her aligned with her mouth produces an amazingly fun illusion. I bet most of us have been around such fountains so many times, but we never thought of doing something like this. We are sure you will, the next time you visit any such place.

category : FUNNY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Waving Acid Blobs

Now this trippy illusion can definitely give some people a headache. Thus, it is advisable not to look for longer duration. At the first moment itself, you can see the blobs waving as if they were placed over a wave. Do you see something else than the mere waving? Do post in your comments if you do.

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Irregular Floor of a Gaming Store

This picture has been taken inside a gaming store in Paris. By seeing the carpet you might get a feeling that the store is built on an irregular surface and might want to check your steps while walking. But in reality the surface is as plane as it can get. So why does you perceive it as an irregular surface where you might trip while walking? It is because of the lines that have been printed over the carpet. The lines are curved and stretched in a manner that gives an illusion that the floor surface is irregular.

Optical Illusion : Amazing Coffee Foam Art

Now this is an amazing art for sure. Imagine yourself to be on that hot air balloon with your loved one or your friends let's say. Well chuck it, it would be awesome to be the only one on that hot air balloon and enjoying the beautiful clouds and the mountains. The artist has used chocolate syrup to draw in the outlines that offers enhanced details to his art for sure. Also, using coffee powder to enhance the details of mountains and the balloon, he has proved that we was pretty serious for his art. Anyhow, hats off to the creativity and the talent.

category : AMAZING | ART

Optical Illusion : Amazing Sun Balloon

Now this looks so impressive. Excellent work done by the photographer and we applause for the mind which thought of this idea. You can see that it looks like someone is holding a balloon in his hand. The thing he is holding can be a wire or a plastic molded stick. Attached to it is the sun (the real sun). The distance of the person from the camera is so close that the sun fits in the picture accurately and offers a good proportion. The placement of the stick is perfect and the background is amazing.

Optical Illusion : Kill Bill

That's just a normal man. But wait what do you see as the door opens? The man is literally split into two and when the doors open fully you know the reason. Uma Thurman is literally on a killing spree again. The blood smeared sword puts the additional details to the illusion. Well obviously if you are not familiar with the movie you might be wondering what we are babbling about. So for the people who don't know, this illusion signifies a popular movie franchise. It is giving an illusion that the girl with the sword has cut the man into half with the sword.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Lost in Thoughts Couple

There is no need for us to explain anything to you in this illusion. We think you have already got the idea. There is a pile of garbage that has been kept on the floor. When light was thrown, this is what was obtained in the shadow. Of course it is not a coincidence. An artist actually worked hard for creating it. By looking at the facial features like nose and lips, you might wonder how this can be possible. But the artist did it. A lot of hard work and patience must be behind the project. The pigeons in the front are merely adding a reality touch to the picture.

category : AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Middle Finger Cloud

That sure is not a good sight especially if you look at it after having a bad time at the office or probably after a little dispute from your loved ones. What will be the first thought that comes into your mind? We would love to hear about it in the comments. Anyhow, that can certainly ruin the mood or on the contrary can make you laugh rhetorically. Do you think someone has edited the image? Can such an image be real to perfection? Well certainly, sometimes nature amuses us.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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