Optical Illusion : Astronauts forming Skull

We are back with another Skull Illusion for our readers. You can easily spot two astronauts in the picture right? Or were you too lost into the skull that has been formed using them with the background? Someone has done an amazing job with this illusion. The background is of moon and serves well as the head of the skull. It might have been optimized but the end result is just amazing right?

category : ANAMORPHIC


Optical Illusion : Parallel Lines Shape-Distortion

What about the red lines? Do you think they are straight and parallel?

Optical Illusion : Amazing Dinner Table

This illusion is a bit different than the other illusions. Yes it is art but not in the same manner in which you have seen other anamorphic illusions. What you see is a face but if you concentrate, you can find out that the face is made up of various things that lie on the dining table; be it eggs, cutlery or the wine bottles. The things have been arranged to give an illusion that there is a face that is lying above the table. This illusion might not work from a different perspective angle though.

Optical Illusion : Stunning Ocean 3D Street Art

Hats off to the artist who has created this unbelievably real illusion of an ocean on the street. You might have seen a lot of 3D street arts and you can't deny that you will keep it in the list of the best ones. The unique thing is the amount of details that the artist has chosen to put into this illusion. There are coral reefs, fishes, whales, turtle, a scuba diving girl, a duck and so much more. Just look at the people sitting and marveling at the art. Wait! Is the little girl real or an illusion too?

Optical Illusion : Spiders on the Roof 3D Art

Now that is something creepy. The giant spiders crawling over the roof makes us think that we are living in Hogwarts right? This artist deserves a salute from us for hi amazing talent. There is no way that you can say that this pair of spiders is not real if you look from the bird eye view. It will be interesting to see how they look while you stand on the roof though.

Optical Illusion : Strange Disappearing Act

Mind us when we say that this one is not one of the regular disappearing illusions you may have seen. It has a bit different flavor to it. You can see two different images below. First, look in the center of the first image for some time. Now move your eyes to the center of the second image. What did you see? You might have seen some strange patterns moving. Or did you see something else? Did the image fade out or flicker? You can try one more thing with this illusion. After staring for some time, if you move your head closer and away from the screen, you will see some awesome effects. Drop in your experiences in the comment section.

category : AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Paradox Staircase

This is quite a popular illusion and you might have found it at so many places on the internet. How could we refrain from putting it on our site then? Yes it looks absolutely normal on the first glance. But just observe and analyze the image carefully. Do you think you can ever come up with a real life version of it? Can it even exist anywhere other than a virtual medium? Of course it can't. It is an example of paradox figures and by all means, it contradicts whatever it suggest itself.

category : IMPOSSIBLE

Optical Illusion : Robotic Man

A matter of excellent timing or an excellent angle? Well we can say that both matters here. It appears at the first look that the person sitting is actually a robot or at least a robot faced. The picture is clicked from behind the holding bars and that is the reason why it looks like that. So any other angle or any odd timing would have ruined this illusion. If you liked the illusion, do not forget to share it among your friends. Sharing is caring.

category : FUNNY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Trapped in a Deadly Hole

It seems like we have reached the dungeons of Egypt where some people have been trapped in search of the valuable treasure. This man is helping one of the man in reaching to the surface again. One skeleton defines the death of a person years ago. On the left far end, you can see an old person trying to reach the surface. One man is screaming for help close to the camera. So much in such a limited space. This is an amazing art by the artist. One can even explore it metaphorically while we will stay mum at that as we are here to simply enjoy some exceptional optical illusions.

Optical Illusion : Michael Jackson Shadow

Now this has to be a tribute to the legend that is present alive in so many hearts today. The shadow as you see clearly hints towards Michael Jackson in his signature pose. But what created the shadow? As you cans see in the front, there is scraped metal that has probably been welded together. It's crazy if you start thinking how do artists work upon such illusions. Well the answer should be the dedication and hard work they do while doing such things. It does not happens over a night but requires days of practice.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Realistic Dog Tag Sketch

You will think that he is holding the chain of the dog tag between his fingers. But then if you look at the dog tag, you will feel that it is a sketch. So what sorcery has the artist done here? Well actually, the whole of the picture you see has been sketched by him. This is the beauty of 3d sketching and we believe that he has done a good job merging the 3d sketching with the basic two dimensional sketch. Also, a bullet appears to be a complementary object along with the main sketch or did he want it to appear tough?

category : ART | 3D

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