Optical Illusion : Alien Ears Baby

Before you start thinking that picture has been taken from another planet or this is a devil's child, we would like to clarify that this is just a photobomb. You can see a dog behind the child if you look clearly. The ears are actually of the dog. The position is perfect and that can be due to a perfect timing or the camera angle adjusted specifically to meet the demand. Anyhow, the output is decent and funny.

category : FUNNY


Optical Illusion : Fibonacci Swollen Square

It's a 3D figure right. We can clearly make out the swollen middle square. But wait it's not a 3D image. Or is it?

category : LOGIC | PUZZLES

Optical Illusion : Blowing People Off Hand

Most of you must have already seen this illusion on social networking sites. It is one of the extremely popular ones and serves as a perfect example. This is how the perspective and distance can be used to create a magical snap. Obviously, the people are far off than the man and that is the reason why they are looking so small. Rest, it is just the creativity of the photographer which makes this illusion a stunning one.

Optical Illusion : Moving Orange Spirals

If you cover one half of the image and just look at only one spiral, you might not even perceive it as moving (some of you might still see them moving). But together, you can't deny that they are moving. Just look at them turn by turn without stopping and they will move as you move your eyes. Isn't it amazing?

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Astonishing Chess Pieces

We have something for you that will leave you completely shocked. Now this illusion can be a bit tricky and you will have to understand first before trying it. We are telling you that the two set of chess pieces that you see in the image below are of exactly same gradient. Don't be so fast to mock at us. Now if you want to prove it, just open the image in any image editing software. Now carefully pick up any spot in the first image of any chess piece. Check at the same spot in the second image and you will agree with the fact that they certainly are of same gradient.

Optical Illusion : Magical Rainbow in the Sky

This is a simple illusion but we promise you that the result is likely to put a smile on your face. Yeah right that is what some of the illusions are meant for. So, there is an image on rainbow below. If you spot a black dot, you're good to go. Just stare at that black dot concentrating a bit for about twenty five seconds. Now immediately look at the sky. What do you see? You will be able to see a rainbow in the sky if you do it right. Interesting right?

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Scary Kids Snap

You might be feeling that it is a cool family picture right? These kids look so happy together, then what can be scary about this picture? Try deducing it yourself first before we tell you in the next line what you have to do. So you've given up already? Alright then, take this image and try it rotating in any image viewer. You'll be shocked to find something that you had not seen earlier. It was scary right? Whoever has manipulated the picture has done a great job.

category : FACE

Optical Illusion : Holding My Own Head

Of course if you add a bit of lighting here in this picture after converting it into a night scene, it will appear to be scary instead of funny. For now, it looks pretty amusing also because of the fact that you already know it is an illusion. So how was this achieved? We are guessing that the head belongs to someone else who is standing in front of the person. The missing head might be hidden inside the pullover. But that's just one explanation. Do you have something other than this? Do make use of the comments if you have found out something else.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Thirsty Horse

Now this is an excellent image. Other than the beautiful seascape, you can also find an illusion here. Look at the far end of the image on the left side. It is just the part of the island but can you trace a figure in that? Well yes, it do appears like a horse for us. We are sure you can also relate this figure with a horse. Also, since his face appears to be touching the water surface, it looks like you are looking at a thirsty horse drinking water from the sea.

Optical Illusion : Sitting on a Giant Beer Mug

Can you identify what all in this picture is part of the painting and what all is realistic? The mug of course has been painted. But what about the girl sitting on the top of the froth. Can she be real sitting at a distance? Or she is the part of this illusion? Even we are confuse over that. The girl is likely to be painted but for some reasons, she appears to be real. Only the artist can clarify our doubt. What do you have to say in this matter? The illusion is a good one on the other hand, the beer mug stands tall from this camera angle.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Water Wall

Have you ever seen a wall made up of water? If no then have a look. Danish artist Jeppe Hein has created one such piece of art. The triangular structure is made of two-spyglass mirror and wall of water. The wall of water is created, by sensor drops when people are extremely close to it. Once you enter the flow picks up and the wall is created. People can look outside the triangle through the two-way mirrors and also reflect each other, the water, the visitors, and the surroundings, causing everything to seem to visually dissolve.

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