Brushing up your brain with the brain teasers every now and then is a great thing but have you ever yearned to find all the Popular Puzzles and Riddles at one place? To all such cravings, GPuzzles.Com has collected all those Popular Puzzles and Riddles that you hear people asking at a single place. The section is regularly updates so that we don't miss any of them. So even if you have read and learned all of them by heart, do keep visiting to find more every time you do.

#651 - Find the next number in the sequence problem

Difficulty Popularity

Find next number in sequence

81 87 69 82 84 ?
category : SERIES

#652 - Guess The Rebus Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you guess what does below rebus means ?

#653 - Who Are They Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

They are protector.
They Sit on a bridge.
One individual can see directly through them , while others wonder what they hide.

Who am they ?
category : WHAT AM I

#654 - Matchstick Square Count Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Count number of squares in picture below ?

#655 - Amazing Numbers Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Using the numbers 1 to 9, achieve a sum total of 100. The conditions being, you may only use addition as the operation. Also, feel free to combine two digits such as 1,2, to make 12 or 21. To help you even more, you may even use fractions. (example : take 1, 2 to make 1/2).
category : MATHS

#656 - Decipher Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

Decipher the rebus below

#657 - The Elf Logical Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

A wicked sorcerer felt enmity towards elf and thus he chooses four among the rest of the elf's and concealed them. The elves are concealed in the ground in a manner that apart from their head the rest of their body was underneath the ground. The elf's are unable to move their body and can only see in that direction that they are facing. All the elf's are concealed underground in such a way that they form a straight line and among those four elf's that are concealed underground one of the elf is detached form the other three elf's via wall. The entire elf's are in the same direction. The elf that is the furthest can only see the heads of its friends in front and a wall. The elf that is second last can only see one head of his friend and a wall. The second elf can only view the wall. The elf can see nothing.
The sorcerer understands the situation and tells the elf's that he has placed hats over their heads. Among the hats places two hat are blue and the other two are red. Among all the four elfs one of the elf has to guess that which colour hat is he wearing. If the elf answers correctly then he shall be set free or else he will have to dig beneath the ground till the very last.
category : LOGIC

#658 - The sheep and the grass logical puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

If we tie a sheep to one peg, a circled grass is been eaten by the sheep. If we tie the sheep to two pegs with a circle on its neck, then an eclipse is eaten out of the grass by the sheep. If we want an eclipse then we put two pegs then put a rope in between then and the other end of the rope is tied up on the sheep's neck.

Question: how should we tie the peg and the sheep so that a square is eaten out from the garden's grass? We only have one sheep's rope and the peg and the rings.
category : LOGIC

#659 - Square Shape Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you count the number of squares in the shape below ?

#660 - The Great War: India v/s Pakistan v/s SriLanka

Difficulty Popularity

Pakistan, India and Srilanka are engaged in a missile war, such that they fire one after the other, in a sequence, the sequence selected by draw of lots. The rules of war are such that the 3 countries keep on shooting at each other until they hit with the missile. This goes on until there is one last country left unhit, and then the war ends. The chances that Pakistan hits its target is 100%, Srilanka hits the target is 80% and India hits the target is 50%.
Who has the highest chance of winning the war?

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