Brushing up your brain with the brain teasers every now and then is a great thing but have you ever yearned to find all the Popular Puzzles and Riddles at one place? To all such cravings, GPuzzles.Com has collected all those Popular Puzzles and Riddles that you hear people asking at a single place. The section is regularly updates so that we don't miss any of them. So even if you have read and learned all of them by heart, do keep visiting to find more every time you do.

#641 - Relation Sorcery Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

The father of a driver's son is sitting with the son of the driver without the driver actually being in the car.

What sorcery is this?
category : LOGIC

#642 - Guess the next number

Difficulty Popularity

The following list follows a peculiar pattern. Can you find it out and guess the next number?
2, 12, 36, 80, 150, 252, ?
category : SERIES

#643 - Matchstick Time 4:30 Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Move just 2 matchsticks to show time as 4:30

#644 - Wrong Answer Maths Problem

Difficulty Popularity

20 mathematical questions were given to a student. For each correct question, the student was promised 10 chocolates. However, for every wrong question, it was decided that he would have to give back 5 chocolates.

To get a maximum number of chocolates, the student answered all the 20 questions. As a result, he got some answers wrong and got 125 chocolates at the end of the evaluation.

Can you calculate how many answers he gave were incorrect ?
category : MATHS

#645 - The Password Number Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

While playing an arcade game, Tony comes across a hidden chamber that has been locked using a 5-digit password combination. Fedora, the angel helping out the game character gives the following

1. The fourth digit of the password is four more than the second one.
2. The third digit of the password is three less than the second one.
3. The first digit is three times the last one.
4. Three pairs of digits sum up to be eleven.
category : MATHS

#646 - Shortest Blonde Funny Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Why can a blonde not dial 911 ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#647 - What Am I Consume Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You obtain me To Eat, But You Don't consume me.

What Am I ?

#648 - Hidden Tiger Picture Illusion Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Try to locate the hidden tiger in the image given above ?

category : PICTURE

#649 - Racist Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Why are all dark people quick ?

category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#650 - Can You Form Triangle Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You can see single 1 triangle in the figure above.

Can you move exactly three matchsticks to form 3 touching triangles ?

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