How many of you love to guess while watching a mystery movie? For all you Sherlock Holmes, GPuzzles.Com has framed out a section of Mystery Puzzles and Riddles. Now you don't need to wait for the opportunities. Just bookmark our link and return back whenever you feel like solving some cases yourself. Following are the selected Mystery Puzzles and Riddles that will keep your detective mind busy.

#51 - Can you solve this murder mystery

Difficulty Popularity

In a house party at night, suddenly the light goes off. A scream is heard and when the lights come back, a guy is dead on the floor. His five friends namely Aman, Anurag, Ajay, Alex and Aditya are shocked to find his dead body in front of them.

The victim before dying managed to write four numbers on the floor with his blood smeared fingers. The numbers are 4, 5, 8 and 11.

Can you tell who killed him?

#52 - Riddle About Death

Difficulty Popularity

A guy was standing near a window. He threw something out of the window and died soon enough. He was perfectly healthy and he did not get murdered by someone.

Can you find a logical explanation to what might have happened here?

How did he die?

category : MYSTERY

#53 - Weird Death Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A dead body is found in a forest. The dead person is a male in his late twenties. He is found in his swimming trunks, with a face mask and snorkel.

The disturbing fact is that the nearest lake around his body is about seven miles away. The sea cannot be found in the hundred miles range.

What was he doing with snorkeling equipment and how did he die ?
category : MYSTERY

#54 - Fun Murder Mystery Problem

Difficulty Popularity

When I woke up this morning, I spotted a minuscule splash of blood on the ceiling of my bedroom. How did it get there? There was no murder that took place in the room. No one even played a prank on me.

Do you have any possible logical explanation?
category : MYSTERY

#55 - Whatsapp Murder Mystery

Difficulty Popularity

A man is found dead with all his bones crushed. At a couple of feet near to him is an unopened package. Nobody could be found anywhere around the body.

Can you determine the cause of death?

* This riddle was very popular on whatsapp
category : MYSTERY

#56 - IAS Murder Brain Teaser Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two friends are standing in a large hall that is vacant except them both. They are facing each other. First friend predicts the future of the second one and says that in five minutes, the second will be stabbed by someone in the back. The clock is hanging on the wall in front of the second one.

He is shocked to hear this and impatiently sees the clock ticking away. After five minutes, he is stabbed on his back. Who stabbed him and how did it happen?
category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#57 - Brain Teasers Detective Stories

Difficulty Popularity

You are called to investigate a murder in a house. There are six suspects of the murder. The corpse was found in the living room. You begin your investigation by asking three questions to all of them. Four people among the six suspects are liars. Thus, they speak at least one lie but not necessarily all lies. It is confirmed that one of them is a murderer.

The responses of all six people are as given below:
Patrick was in the 2nd bedroom.
So was I.
Max was in the bathroom.

I agree with Jerry that Max was in the bathroom and Patrick was in the 2nd bedroom.
But I think that Jerry was in the living room, OH MY GOD!

Molly was in the kitchen with Mike.
But I was in the bathroom.

I still say Patrick was in the 2nd bedroom and Catherine was in the bathroom.
Jerry was in the 1st bedroom.

Patrick was in the bathroom with Mike.
And Molly was in the kitchen.

Max was in the kitchen.
And I was in the 2nd bedroom with Patrick.

The house accommodates eight rooms: Living Room, 3 Bedrooms, Kitchen, Bathroom, Garage and Basement. Any number of people could have been present in any of the rooms at the same time.

Can you identity the killer, the four liars and the position of each one of them during murder?
category : MYSTERY

#58 - Short Murder Mystery Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Adam killed his wife in front of so many people. Yet, no one has the power to accuse him of the murder and send him to prison for his crime.

How ?

#59 - Murder Or Suicide Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

On a homicide case, the police is unable to find anything. However, they have five suspects who could have killed the person – Samoa, Richard, Neil, Jenifer and Sia.

Suddenly, an officer notices that there is something written on the calendar. He finds out that they are numbers – 9, 4, 5, 10, 8. He smiles, as he know who the killer is. Do you ?

category : MYSTERY

#60 - A Riddle Wrapped In A Mystery

Difficulty Popularity

Two best friends are stuck on an island for days. They have no food left and are starving from many days. Suddenly a fisherman sees them. He pulls his boat closer. Seeking the fate of one of them, he and the guy's best decide to go fishing and find something for him to eat.

After a couple of hours, only the fisherman returns with the salmon that he had prepared. He tells the guy that his best friends had fallen from the boat and drowned. Although the news is shocking and remorseful, due to the unbearable hunger, he eats the salmon.

After being rescued, he goes to a diner and orders salmon. Just after his first bite, he pulls out his gun and kills himself right there. Why did he commit suicide?
category : MYSTERY

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