Picture Riddles are usually associated with kids. But you can't deny that they are truly fun. If you look at this section of Picture Riddles for Adults, you will find what you always have been looking for. These picture riddles are not easy to solve and thus totally meant for adults or those who are not in the beginner's zone anymore. These Picture Riddles for Adults are really fun for those looking in the genre but not finding anything that challenges their minds in the appropriate manner.

#131 - Find The Missing Letter In Circle Mind Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Do you see any logic with which the letters are arranged in the given picture ?
If you can, it won't take you much time to find the missing letter.

category : SERIES | PICTURE

#132 - Missing Number In The Table Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you replace the "?" with the appropriate number to make the solve the below picture number sequence ?

category : SERIES | PICTURE

#133 - Hidden Key In The Kitchen Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the hidden key in the picture below?

category : PICTURE

#134 - The Hidden Panda Pills Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the hidden panda in the picture full of pills below?

category : PICTURE

#135 - Matchsticks Arithmetic Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

As you can see in the picture below that an incorrect equation is formed using matchsticks.
8 + 9 = 4

You need to move three matchsticks to make the equation correct.

I can do it by three ways. What about you ?

#136 - Matchsticks Game Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In the picture below, you can find
* Two Glasses
* Two Crosses

You need to move four matchsticks in such a manner that crossed comes inside the glasses. But you cannot move crosses.

#137 - How Many Animals (cows) Can you see

Difficulty Popularity

Can you count number of hidden animals in picture below?

category : PICTURE

#138 - Try To Find The Mistakes In Picture

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find 9 mistakes in the picture below?

category : PICTURE

#139 - Great Escape Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

As illustrated in the image below, a boy is fighting for his life.
This is definitely the worst possible scenario for the boy as there are multiple life threats at the same time

Threat-1: If the boy moves toward the right a snake is ready to bite and put his life to end

Threat-2: A hungry Lion is roaring and waiting for the boy to drop and be his dinner.

Threat-3: The two crocodile in the river waiting for the chopped branch to break so that boy can fall in the water.

Choose an escape plan for the boy?

#140 - Hidden Bird In Snow Picture Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the hidden bird in the picture (winter time) below?

category : PICTURE

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