#301 - What's wrong in the kitchen picture

Difficulty Popularity

What appears to be wrong in the kitchen picture below?

category : PICTURE

#302 - Cow Rebus

Difficulty Popularity

Decode the below cow rebus.

category : REBUS | PICTURE

#303 - Spot the mistake in the picture

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find a mistake in the picture below?

category : PICTURE

#304 - How many squares are in this picture fish

Difficulty Popularity

How many squares can you find in the figure below?

#305 - Spot The Three Mistakes

Difficulty Popularity

Could you identify the three errors in the girl's room?

category : PICTURE

#306 - Kitchen Pictogram Word Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Can you decipher the word hidden in the below pictogram?

category : REBUS | PICTURE

#307 - Who Is Dead? Pay Attention To Detail Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You must pay attention to this riddle and provide the answer:

Who among A, B, or C is dead?

category : MYSTERY | PICTURE

#308 - Cow Observation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which cow is the odd one out?

#309 - Scary Situation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

After a thrilling late-night movie, Jacob decided to head home, but his journey took an unexpected turn. Walking through a dimly lit street, he encountered three mysterious women standing under the flickering streetlamp. To his astonishment, two of the women were ghosts! The three women spoke in unison, 'Choose one of us to accompany you home, Jacob, but be cautious, for if you pick the wrong girl, our wrath shall befall you.'

Jacob's heart raced as he studied the three women carefully. Each appeared ordinary at first glance, but he knew that one was human, and the other two were vengeful spirits.

Can you look at the picture carefully and help Jacob identify which of the three girls is not a ghost?"

category : PICTURE

#310 - Odd One Out Mechanic Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Find the odd one out mechanic?

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