Aptitude puzzles or questions are something that are asked in almost every interview that you may go through in your life (especially as fresher). No matter how big or small a company is, these interview aptitude questions serve as a medium to judge the basic IQ or intelligence of any candidate. Of course, these days, the multinational companies are not only looking for book worm or crude talent. They want to hire people who are really smart.

Therefore, it is necessary for you to prepare the interview aptitude puzzles before you decide to go through the interview process. Believe it or not, if you are strong in aptitude, you have that edge over you in comparison with anybody having the same bookish knowledge as you.

Thus in order to facilitate you with your interview process, GPuzzles.Com has compiled a list of most commonly asked interview aptitude questions. Even if you search over the internet, you will find that these questions are really common and we have just made your task easier by providing all such interview aptitude puzzles at one place only. Do not forget to bookmark this link. If you like it, do thank us by sharing these interview aptitude questions with your friends.

#21 - Classic Card Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

A pack of cards has 52 cards. You are blindfolded. Out of 52, 42 cards are facing down while 10 are facing up. You have been asked to divide this pack of cards into two decks - so that each deck contains an equal number of face up cards. Remember, you are blindfolded.

How will you do it?
category : LOGIC

#22 - Most Popular Number Series IAS Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve the number series problem by replacing boxes with number 1, 3 , 5 , 7 ,9 , 11 , 13 , 15?

Note: You can also repeat the number.

This interesting problem was asked in India's one of toughest competitive exam UPSC(IAS/IPS).

#23 - The Classic Legs Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You are standing in one of the biggest palaces in the world "Hofburg Palace, Vienna". In palace five commando are staying. Each commando has allotted five big rooms and each room contains five huge Tigers.
Each huge tiger has five small tigers.
We all know a tiger has 4 legs.

So how many legs are there in the palace ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#24 - Pirate Coins Ship Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Seven pirates attacked the British ship and loot some rare gems from them. They decided to rest for some time and then divide the gems later. While everyone was resting two of the pirates wake up and planned to divide gems equally between the two, one gem is left. So they decide to wake the third pirate and decide to divide among three, but alas again one gem was left. They then decide to wake the fourth pirate to divide the gems and again one gem was left. The same happened again in the fifth and sixth. Finally, they woke up the 7th pirate and this time the gems were divided equally.

How many gems did they steal in total?

category : LOGIC

#25 - Missing $1 Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

This is a classic riddle.
I spend $50 in the way below. Where is my missing $1

category : LOGIC | TRICK

#26 - Maths Magic - Square Root 12345678987654321 Brain Teaseer

Difficulty Popularity

We all know that square root of number 121 is 11.
But do you know what si the square root of the number "12345678987654321" ?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#27 - Which Tank Will Fill First Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Famous tank fill brainteaser is shown in the picture below. Can you tell us which tank will fill first?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#28 - The Fifth Card Magic Trick Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Famous magicians Dylan Rhodes and Daniel Atlas performed an exhilarating magic trick in my last birthday party. Since, it was my birthday, Rhodes asked me to shuffle a new deck and pick any five cards out of it. I took out the cards as asked, looked at them and then showed all five cards to Rhodes. Rhodes then gave four cards to Daniel and the remaining fifth card to me. Daniel looked at the four cards for about ten seconds and then he told me what card I was holding.

Surprise, Surprise! He was right!

It was quite surprising to me at that time, but when I reached back home, I was able to crack the trick behind the magic.

Can you?

category : LOGIC

#29 - Flik Ant Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Flik a famous ant is traveling on a 1000 cm long rope. Flik is traveling at 1cm/seconds, but also entire rope is being stretched by an extra 1000cm/second.
Will the Flik every reach the end of the 1000cm long rope?

category : LOGIC

#30 - Best Philosophical Riddle Ever - Who Betrayed Whom?

Difficulty Popularity

A couple Adam and Eve are undergoing turmoil in their life so decided to commit suicide. They decided that on the count of three, they both will jump off the building. So they started counting and on the count of three Adam jumped, but Eve stayed and watched Adam drop for 7 seconds and then she saw a parachute open.

So who betrayed whom?

category : LOGIC

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