Four well-known prisoners Michael Scofield, Fernando Sucre, T-Bag and Lincoln Burrows were imprisoned in Fox River State.
The jailor was a good man and occasionally given them cupcakes for the hardship they are showing in the jail. On one particular day, the jailer gives them 11 cup-cakes. They all love cupcakes and while chatting to each other the prisoners eat all the cupcakes.
They all like cupcakes but they don't know how many each of them had.
So they started the conversation.
Sucre : "Hey T-Bag, did you had more cupcakes than me ?".
T-bag : "I don't know man, Hey Burrows, did you had more cupcakes than me ?".
Burrows: "I don't know"
By hearing the conversation Scofield replied to all
Scofield: "I know how exactly how many cupcakes each of you had?".
So can you tell how many cupcakes each of them had ?
Sucre : 1 cupcake
T-Bag : 2 cupcakes
Burrows: 3 cupcakes
Scofield : 5 cupcakes
Explanation :
It's obvious if the prisoner has eaten 5 or more cupcakes than he will not ask this question "did you had more cupcakes than me?" as it will make him the person who had eaten maximum cupcakes.
A) Sucre : Must not have eater 5 cupcakes, therefore he has eaten anywhere between 1-4 cupcakes.
B) T-bag : Since sucre asked him the question T-bag knows sucre have eaten between 1 - 4 cupcakes, and therefore he must have eaten 2 to 4 cupcakes(it can't be 1 else he will reply answer as "No".)
C) Burrows : Replied with the answer as "I don't know and based on logic B) he knows T-bag must have eaten at least 2 and he replied no which implies that he must be eaten 3 or 4.
D) Scofield replied he know all, which indicates he must have eaten 5.
Therefore cupcake division is as below:
Sucre : 1
T-Bag : 2
Burrows: 3
Scofield : 5