How about you go through some Mind Boggling Riddles for a change? This section of riddles by our team can offer you the change you always wanted. Beware, as they can be really tough to solve as well. All you need to solve these Mind Boggling Riddles is to run your mind in myriad directions. You might not even able to understand these riddles in one go and thus the name Mind Boggling. Get ready to face some twisted riddles.

#71 - Curious Entry Fees Puzzle - The World Heritage Gallery's Puzzling Formula

Difficulty Popularity

The Peculiar World Heritage Gallery charges its visitors using a distinct formula based on the letters in their country name.

The fees for different countries are as follows:

Canada: $1,600

Spain: $1,000

Australia: $2,200

Greece: $1,300

What will be the entry fee for someone from Britain?

category : LOGIC

#72 - Cricket Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Two batsman each on 94 runs. Seven runs needed to win in last 3 balls. Both make 100*. How?
category : LOGIC

#73 - Tricky Maths Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Hockey Stick and ball cost $50. If the Stick cost $49 more than the ball.

what is the cost of each ?

#74 - Red | Blue | White Logical Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

At a restaurant downtown, Mr. Red, Mr. Blue, and Mr. White meet for lunch. Under their coats they are wearing either a red, blue, or white shirt.Mr. Blue says, 'Hey, did you notice we are all wearing different colored shirts from our names?' The man wearing the white shirt says, 'Wow, Mr. Blue, that's right!'
Can you tell who is wearing what color shirt?
category : LOGIC

#75 - Most Popular Monty Hall Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

The host of a game show, offers the guest a choice of three doors. Behind one is a expensive car, but behind the other two are goats.

After you have chosen one door, he reveals one of the other two doors behind which is a goat (he wouldn't reveal a car).

Now he gives you the chance to switch to the other unrevealed door or stay at your initial choice. You will then get what is behind that door.

You cannot hear the goats from behind the doors, or in any way know which door has the prize.

Should you stay, or switch, or doesn't it matter ?

#76 - Terrorist Attack Security Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

UNO plans a gathering.
However there is threat of terrorist attack. So security guard who is a mathematical plans somethings to secure the place.

A terrorist stands nearby the door where
1st ambassador comes , the security guard said 'twelve' and ambassador replied with 'six'.
2nd ambassador comes , the security guard said 'six' and ambassador replied with 'three'.

The terrorist thinks its enough and walks to the door.
The security person said 'eight' , terrorist replied 'four' and get immediately arrested.

why ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#77 - Colditz Pascal Prison Escape Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Two world's famous prisoners 'Colditz' and 'Pascal' are locked in a cell.
They plan to escape from the cell.
They noticed there is an open window at 40 feet above the ground level.
Both of them tried very hard but are never able to reach there.

Then both of them decided to plan to escape by a tunnel and they start digging out.
After digging for just 5 days, Colditz and Pascal comes out with the much more easier plan than tunneling and they escaped.

what was the plan ?
category : LOGIC | SITUATION

#78 - Popular Logical Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A mules travels the same distance daily.
I noticed that two of his legs travels 10km and the remaining two travels 12km.
Obviously two mules legs cannot be a 2km ahead of the other 2.

The mules is perfectly normal. So how come this be true ?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#79 - Suicide Mystery Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A man 5'11" high is found dead in an closed room.
This room is found empty with some puddle of water.

The man was died by hanging himself to a 12 feet high fan.
How did the man die ?

category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#80 - Awesome Clock Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Time 12:21 is a palindrome as it reads the same forwards or backwards.
Whats the Whats the shortest interval between two palindromic times ?

example => 11:11 and 12:21 has interval of 1 hr 10 minutes.
category : LOGIC

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