How about you go through some Mind Boggling Riddles for a change? This section of riddles by our team can offer you the change you always wanted. Beware, as they can be really tough to solve as well. All you need to solve these Mind Boggling Riddles is to run your mind in myriad directions. You might not even able to understand these riddles in one go and thus the name Mind Boggling. Get ready to face some twisted riddles.

#211 - Fenced Horses Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

As shown in the image, the nine horses are square fenced. By constructing just two square fences can you make sure that two horses cannot meet each other without crossing the fence?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#212 - Federer Nadal Tennis Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In a game of tennis, On 1st set, Federer beat Nadal at a scoreline of 6:3.
There are total of five service break in the game
Who served first Nadal or Federer.
Note: Service Break means the player who serves the game lost the game.

category : LOGIC

#213 - Yesterday Was Tomorrow, Friday Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

LR said, "If yesterday was tomorrow, today would be Friday."
What did LR make this statement?

#214 - Analytical Maths Girl Child Probability Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

In Chelsea square, there are two mansions M1 and M2. Both M1 and M2 have two children each.

In Mansion M1, The boy plays for Chelsea youth academy and the other child play table tennis.
In Mansion M2, The boy recently joined the school and they just had a newborn in the home

Can you prove that probability of M1 having girl child is more than that of M2?

#215 - 2 Golfer Sports Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson are well-known golf rivals. One Day during a match, they were level at a score of 30. Phil hit a bad shot and Tiger added 10 to his score. Tiger then hit an awesome shot and he won the game.

How ?

category : LOGIC

#216 - Secret Message Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Mr. Lavesh is on a secret mission and it's 5 January so he wants to send a message to her daughter Arshika.

Mr. Lavesh got a secret device by which he can only use below words for sending the message.
Piano, Numb, Company, Racial, Mozetta, Dining, Traitor, Meou, Quintana, legacy, Saphire, Trick, Orange, Frozen, Missi.

Mr. Lavesh sends the following message to her daughter:
Company Piano Numb Dining Racial Mozetta Traitor Meou Legacy Quintana Trick Missi Orange Frozen Sapphire

What does Mr. Lavesh's Message?

category : LOGIC | CIPHER

#217 - Find Owner Lose Money Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Bill Mason walks into an antique store and steals 1000$ bill from the store. 30 Minutes later, Mason returns back to the antique store and buy an antique watch priced at $700. Mason pay with the bill he has stolen and the owner returns him $300.

How much money did the owner lose?

category : LOGIC

#218 - Passcode Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Shruti's daughter Arshika need to be picked from the school every day.
Shruti asks one of her colleagues to pick her from school. Shruti devised a password mechanism to confirm that Arshika goes with the correct person only.
The password on Monday was SAM16.
The password on Wednesday was HRW39.

What will the password for Friday?

category : LOGIC | CIPHER

#219 - Indian Jones And The Cellular jail (Kala Pani) Treasure Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Indian jones went to Andaman(India) for the holiday where he came to know that there is a big treasure hidden here. The Map of the treasure is hidden somewhere in the cellular jail.
The Map location is hidden in the cipher below.

"roolF mooR gnignaH ehT edisnI neddiH sI paM erusaerT"

What is the map location?

category : LOGIC | CIPHER

#220 - Small To Big Room Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Terry enters a small room.
. . .
. . .
Door Closed
. . .
. . .
When the door opened, Terry is in a big room.

How that's possible?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

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