Maths Brain Teasers makes your brain sharp and fast in solving answer and calculating. These mind teasers makes a subject like maths a fun to be solved. These puzzles are mind benders which increase the mind's flexibility and sharpness. The brain teasers we provide you are perfect in making the subject interesting for you and will surely leave you with a relaxed mind.

Here are some of the shortlist Maths puzzles. Hope we are successful in accomplishing our objective by entertaining you even while solving and calculating.

#1 - Eight Eights Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Using eight eights and addition only, can you make 1000?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#2 - Math Handshake Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

At a party, everyone shook hands with everybody else. There were 66 handshakes. How many people were at the party?
category : MATHS

#3 - Logic Question In Maths

Difficulty Popularity

Two trains under a controlled experiment begin at a speed of 100 mph in the opposite direction in a tunnel. A supersonic bee is left in the tunnel which can fly at a speed of 1000 mph. The tunnel is 200 miles long. When the trains start running on a constant speed of 100 mph, the supersonic bee starts flying from one train towards the other. As soon as the bee reaches the second train, it starts flying back towards the first train.

If the bee keeps flying to and fro in the tunnel till the trains collide, how much distance will it have covered in total?

#4 - Hard Maths Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Right across the street is a fast food outlet that sells chicken in the order of 6, 9 and 20 only.
Determine the maximum number of chicken pieces that cannot be ordered from the outlet?
category : MATHS

#5 - Beggars Cant Be Choosers

Difficulty Popularity

As they say, beggars can't be choosers, in fact begger take what they can get. A begger on the street can make one cigarette out of every 6 cigarette butts he finds. After one whole day of searching and checking public ashtrays the begger finds a total of 72 cigarette butts. How many cigarettes can he make and smoke from the butts he found?
category : MATHS

#6 - Mathematics Puzzle : Catch The Train

Difficulty Popularity

Tarun Asthnaiya go to his office by local train. However nearby train station is quite far from his place and he used to drive his bike to train station daily with an average speed of 60km/hr. One day at halfway point he relized that due to heavy traffic he got late having average speed of just 30km/hr.How fast he must drive for the rest of the way to catch my local train ?
category : TRICK | MATHS

#7 - Tricky Maths Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Hockey Stick and ball cost $50. If the Stick cost $49 more than the ball.

what is the cost of each ?

#8 - Indian Scientist Magical Number Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Ramanujan found out that 1729 is a magical number.

What so magical about it ?

#9 - Maths Symbol Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Using only two 2's and any combination of maths signs, symbols and functions can you make 5?
category : MATHS | RIDDLE

#10 - Really Hard Algebra Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Solve it?
category : MATHS

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