The following Maths Riddles can surely give you a tough time. The mathematics buff will find what they need to suffice with their cravings in the following Maths Riddles by GPuzzles.Com. But don't worry about the difficulty level as we have made sure to include all difficulty levels in the following section. A beginner or a pro, you will love to read the following Maths Riddles.

#116 - JOINT Algebric Logic Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Solve the Algebraic mathematical equation?

(J+O+I+N+T)3 = JOINT
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#117 - Number One Gone Trick Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

I can make the number one gone by adding something to it. Can you ?

#118 - Smart Maths Equation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

When you remove one from eleven, it becomes ten. However, when you remove one from nine, it becomes ten as well.

How can that be possible?
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#119 - Cool Mathematical Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

One of your friends comes to you with a simple mathematical equation.

25 - 55 + (85 + 65) = ?

You solve the equation to get 120 as the result and tells him that it was as easy as eating a pie.

To this, your friend reverts, "You won't believe that the actual answer to this question is 5!"

You are left dumbfounded at this statement. How can this be true?

#120 - Classic Buying Eggs Maths Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Below is the cost of eggs at a local shop in Burnley:
*Cost of one snake egg: 5 pence.
*Cost of one Echidna egg: 1 penny
*Cost of 20 Bird eggs: 1 penny

John entered the shop need to buy
*All types of eggs.
*Needs to buy birds egg in multiple of 20.
* Need to buy 100 eggs

How many Snake, Echidna, and Bird eggs does John need to buy considering he got only 100 pence?
category : MATHS

#121 - Famous Send More Money Equation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Below equation is one the most popular equation.Can you solve the below equation by replacing alphabet with a digit such that the equation holds as well?
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#122 - Frequent Maths Digit Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Can you identify the most common digit between the number 1 and 1000?
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#123 - Three Magic Numbers Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Find three magic number such that ?

* Product of three numbers is prime.
* 2nd number - 1st number = 3rd number - 2nd number
category : LOGIC | MATHS

#124 - The Pizza Menu Maths Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You and your friends decide to have a pizza. Upon reading the menu, you find out that you have to pay a specific amount to add additional toppings. Following are the prices:
Olives & Black Pepper $7
Red Pepper & Jalapeno $6
Pineapple & Capsicum $2
Corn & Black Pepper $5
Mushrooms & Pineapple $4
Capsicum & Corn $3
Jalapeno & Pineapple $5

Now, you can see that the prices are given in pair. Can you find out the price of each topping separately if you know that the prices are not in fractions and are an increment of a full dollar?
category : MATHS

#125 - Wrong Answer Maths Problem

Difficulty Popularity

20 mathematical questions were given to a student. For each correct question, the student was promised 10 chocolates. However, for every wrong question, it was decided that he would have to give back 5 chocolates.

To get a maximum number of chocolates, the student answered all the 20 questions. As a result, he got some answers wrong and got 125 chocolates at the end of the evaluation.

Can you calculate how many answers he gave were incorrect ?
category : MATHS

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