We have compiled a list of classic puzzles/riddles/brain-teasers in month of July.

#31 - Maths Cube Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

You have two cubes with plane faces. You have to mark both the cubes with numbers in a manner that all the days of a month can be portrayed using those cubes. Also, note that you have to use both the cubes for displaying any date. Suppose if you have to display the 5th day of the month, you will have to display it as 05.

Can you do it?
category : LOGIC

#32 - Ias Logic Question

Difficulty Popularity

A guy claims to do the following thing. He puts a coin in a glass bottle. Then, he shuts the mouth of the bottle with the help of a cork. Now he manages to remove the coin out from the bottle without taking out the cork or breaking the glass bottle.

Do you know how he can do it?

#33 - Who Am I Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I am a measurement of time
Don't look for me in a clock
For you can find me only on a map

Can you tell me who am I ?

#34 - Really Good Clever Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A young lady was approached by an elderly woman who took her hand and meeting her eyes said to her, "You look starkly similar of my daughter. I lost her last month. I loved her a lot. Can you do me a favor? Can you say 'Goodbye mother' as I leave this restaurant. I will feel good if you do."

The young lady was puzzled but seeking her kind eyes, she agreed. As the elderly woman was leaving the restaurant, she said, "Goodbye mother" waving her hand toward her with a kind expression on her face.

Soon after, she received the shock of her life. Can you guess what it was?

#35 - Popular what Am I puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

I am five letter word that is under you.
If you remove my 1st two letters than i am all around you.
If you remove my 1st letter, then i am over you.

What Am I ?
category : WHAT AM I

#36 - Indian Scientist Magical Number Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Ramanujan found out that 1729 is a magical number.

What so magical about it ?

#37 - One Line Who am I Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If you share me, you wont have me.

Who am i ?
category : RIDDLE

#38 - Clock Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

The needles of a clock overlaps at 12:00 in a 12 hour format clock.

When will the two needles overlap again ?
category : LOGIC | RIDDLE

#39 - Multiple Answers Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve the equation in the image below(at-least three different ways) by playing numbers 1 through 9 in the boxes so that all three equation are correct ?

#40 - One Line Humor Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Which city is three fifth of China, two sixth of Canada and two third of Goa ?

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