#191 - Terry Christmas Birthday Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

How can Terry was born on Christmas (25 December), still Terry birthday is during the summer?
category : LOGIC

#192 - Value of x Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

If 77x = 189x = 345x.

What is the value of x?

#193 - Dog And The Delivery Guy Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

The clever delivery guy went to Alice home to deliver the packet but suddenly he notices a mighty dog who was fastened to a tree and the chain is long enough that it allows the dog to reach the main gate.
How can the delivery guy reach the main gate to allow him to deliver the packet?

category : LOGIC

#194 - Quick Fire Criminal Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Alex, a famous criminal is standing at 9 positions from both ends of the row. How many criminals were standing in total?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

#195 - Decode Chemistry Teacher Favorite Movie Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

When I asked my chemistry teacher what's her favorite English movie, then she replied with the strange name "Indium Cerium Platinum Iodine Oxygen Nitrogen" .
Ten seconds later I realize her favorite movie. Do you ?

category : LOGIC | CIPHER

#196 - Scofield QuickFire Family Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Mrs. and Mr. Scofield have five sons and each son have one sister.
How many people are there in the Scofield family ?
category : LOGIC

#197 - Males In Family Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In a family of 6 people P, Q, R, S, T, and U:
U and R are brother and sister. Q is T's husband's brother. P's father is S, who is also the grandfather of U.

Can you find out how many male members are present in the family?
category : LOGIC

#198 - Rugby Sports Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A rugby player who played professional matches was practicing with his mates in a picnic. While playing he busted lips and broke ribs and thighs.

However, the very next day, he was able to play his professional match.

How did he manage to do that?

#199 - Shotgun Cant Kill Dean Winchester Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In the bathroom, Dean Winchester shot himself right between the eyes using his shotgun. Of course, both the bullets and the shotgun is real. After one minute, Dean walks from the bathroom alive and there are no traces of blood.

How ?

category : LOGIC | MYSTERY

#200 - Phone Directory Trick Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In City of gpuzzles, 5% of men have unlisted phone numbers and 4% of women have unlisted phone numbers. Population ratio of men : women in the city of gpuzzles is 4:3. If we select randomly 100 people from the phone directory, Can you tell us how many people selected will definitely have unlisted phone numbers?

category : LOGIC | TRICK

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