Do you think you have solved the hardest of riddles already? Then you need to look at the section of Hard Riddles brought to you by GPuzzles.Com. They sure will give you a tough time solving them. Take your time and sit comfortably in your couch while you try to solve the following Hard Riddles. When you are done with all of them, keep visiting our blogs for more as we are constantly updating our collection of Hard Riddles.

#301 - Cross Roads Danger Alphametic Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you replace letters by numbers to solve below alphametic puzzle?

+ C R O S S
+ R O A D S
category : CIPHER

#302 - Table Series Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you find the missing number in the table series mentioned in the table below?

category : SERIES

#303 - The Italian Job Break The Code Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Charlie Croker and his team need to break the safe to finish a secret job named "Italian Job" in exactly a five minutes.
They got just one chance and five minutes to finish the job else the local police will be informed.

He got following clues

1st Clue: Exactly one number is perfectly placed.
9 2 5

2nd clue: Everything is incorrect.
9 3 8

3rd clue: Two numbers are part of the code of the safe, but are wrongly placed.
4 9 6

4th clue: One number is part of the code of the safe, but is wrongly placed.
5 8 1

5th clue: One number is part of the code of the safe, but is wrongly placed.
1 2 6

category : LOGIC | CIPHER

#304 - Proffessor meit Word Pattern Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

There is a common word pattern in the below words. Can you find it?

3. YAM
5. EAR
6. ONE
category : LOGIC | WHAT AM I

#305 - 100 People Circle Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

100 cowboys are standing in a circle and are numbered from number 1 to 100. A deadly game is created in which the first person will shoot the next person (i.e.second person) and then need to pass the gun to the next person (i.e. Third person) and he will shoot the person to the next. This game will continue until one cowboy stays alive.

Which cowboy will survive at the end?

category : LOGIC

#306 - Hard Alphametic Equation Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

AB = CA - DE
FG = BE - HG
DB = AF - IA
JC = KC - JE
JL = LJ - DK
HE = CG - BI

You need to make above equation correct by replacing letters by number.

Note: You can using only 8 digits. (i.e. more than one letter will be mapped to same value)
category : MATHS | EQUATION

#307 - Most Popular Cryptarithms Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you solve below Cryptarithms puzzle by replacing letters by number to form below equation true?

category : MATHS | EQUATION

#308 - Hardest River Crossing Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

James Bond organizes an island party. Following are the people in the party
1. The organizer: James Bond
2. James Bond 2 supermodels: Madeleine and Lucia
3. The Richest Businessman of the town: Blofeld
4. Blofeld's 2 secretaries.
5. Mr. Hinx and his Secret Diary.

They all need to cross the river to reach the island, however, James Bond has got just one boat. Following are some rules

Rule-1 : The capacity of the is two persons.
Rule-2 : Blofeld's secretary won't stay with James Bond without Blofeld.
Rule-3: Madeleine and Lucia won't stay with the Blofeld without James Bond.
Rule-4: Mr. Hinx would never leave the Secret Diary alone.
Rule-5: Secret Diary counts as a person.
Rule-6: Only James Bond, Blofeld or Mr. Hinx can drive the boat.
Rule-7: The two supermodels Madeleine and Lucia won't stay with the Blofeld without James Bond;
Rule-8: Secretary won't stay with James Bond without their Blofeld. Rule-9: Mr.Hinx won't leave the Secret Diary alone.
category : LOGIC

#309 - Replace Number In Shape Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you replace the X (both small and big x) with the numbers between 1 to 19 such that all the rows of 3 numbers between X (big x) sum to 23 ?

category : MATHS | EQUATION

#310 - Spot the Bird Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you spot the bird in the picture below ?

category : PICTURE

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