It is possible often that the kids have a certain interest in solving riddles. Sometimes, it becomes their passion as well. It is often seen that once you get habitual of solving riddles, you require some advanced level of the same. This section of Hard Riddles for Kids is meant for the kids who have attained ease in solving the nominal riddles. These riddles will take them a step forward and put forth new challenges for them leading them to a whole new interest in the same. These Hard Riddles for Kids are a must if you're one of the child


Difficulty Popularity

If you had five mango and two bananas in one hand and two mango and four bananas in the other hand.

what would you have?

#22 - Awesome Logic Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In the risk management subject of brainTeaser school , teacher told them about risk management.
To everyone surprise , on the exam question paper there was a solitary question on it: 'What is risk ?'

Most people passed the exam however only one student get 100% marks.
He had written only word in the answer sheet.

What did he write?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#23 - IAS Tricky Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

How can a man go eight days without sleep ?

#24 - Funny Murder Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

I can describe a murder in a special way !!

A donkey behind another donkey
I'm behind that second donkey
And whole nation is behind me

whats this murder callee ?

category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#25 - Three Boys enter an empty room Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Three Boys enter an empty room but only two walks out.
The room is still empty.

Where is the third boy?

category : TRICK | RIDDLE

#26 - Game Of Thrones Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

This riddle is for the game of thrones fan.
What is the response of "Valar Morghulis"?

category : RIDDLE

#27 - Shortest Blonde Funny Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Why can a blonde not dial 911 ?
category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#28 - Racist Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Why are all dark people quick ?

category : HUMOUR | RIDDLE

#29 - Pencil Phrase Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Andy had twenty pencils with him. Within a month, all but fifteen pencils were used by him.

How many pencils was he left with after that?
category : RIDDLE

#30 - Quick Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

If all Seams are Beams and all Beams are Dreams, can all Dreams be Seams?
category : TRICK | RIDDLE

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