Been there, done that. This is the attitude of most of the puzzle fanatics who are good at solving them. But these Hard Logic Puzzles which are handpicked by the team of GPuzzles.Com can give you a hard time solving them. They not be as easy as they sound and you may have to look at various directions or analyze various things before you can come up with an answer. If you can solve all these Hard Logic Puzzles, then you have really mastered the art of solving logic riddles in true sense and you can boast your success.

#131 - Car And Bug Interview Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

As shown in the image below, there is a circular track of diameter of 5km. Two cars Car-A and CarB are at the exact diameter of the circular track.At time start say 'Ts', Both the cars moves clockwise at a constant speed of 90meter/seconds. Since both the cars move at a constant speed so at any time given say 'Ti', they will always be at opposite end of the diameter.
Note, at the center of the track there a bug which at the time 'Ti' starts moving towards Car-B and after reaching car-B moves back toward Car-A and after reaching car-A move towards Car-B and keeps repeating the entire cycle again and again. The speed of bug is constant at 2 meter/seconds. After 2 hours, both cars and bug stop.

What is the distance covered by the bug ?

category : LOGIC

#132 - Matchsticks Game Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

In the picture below, you can find
* Two Glasses
* Two Crosses

You need to move four matchsticks in such a manner that crossed comes inside the glasses. But you cannot move crosses.

#133 - Twisted Hardware Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

Sam Winchester goes to buy something for his house at the neaby hardware store. He asks the price from the hardware owner and the owner replied : "If you buy one it will cost you 10$ and if you buy fifty it will cost you 20$".

Sam asked what if I buy 987. The owner replied it will cost you 30$.

Why is sam buying 987 and what's kind of the pricing is this all about?
category : LOGIC

#134 - Nine Coins Picture Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Nine coins are arranged in a triangle as shown in the picture below. You need to slide two triangles to form a square. Can you do it?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#135 - Classic Switch Bulb Picture Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

This is classic switch bulb problem in which you need to find the switch that will turn on the bulb. So can you find it?

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#136 - Dice Calendar Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

You are provided with two dices. You have a complete liberty to mark any number from 0 to 9 on the faces of both the dices. However, you should be able to represent the days from 1 to 31 by using them.

How will you achieve it or what numbers will you use on the two dices?
category : LOGIC

#137 - Game Of Thrones - Match Your Steps Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Tyrion Lannister (a midget) and John Snow were walking across the mysterious land of Westeros. Because of their height difference Tyrion's three steps are equal to Snow's two steps. Both of them start out with their left foot. What is the minimum number of steps both must take to make sure they take the right steps together?
category : LOGIC

#138 - Sheldon Teases Leonard Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

To tease Leonard Hofstadter, Sheldon cooper gave him 10$ and ask him to buy
- Something their friend Howard can eat.
- Something their neighbor penny can drink.
- Something their friend Raj's cow can eat.
- Something his girlfriend Amy can plant in her garden.
Also, he can buy only one thing.

Leonard buys something that silenced Sheldon. What did he buy?
category : LOGIC | STORY

#139 - Toothpick Donkey Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

The toothpicks in the picture have been arranged to form a donkey shaped figure. You have to move two matchsticks in a way that the entire shape is rotated / reflected while being intact. Also, you can't change the tail's direction it should be pointing up.

category : LOGIC | PICTURE

#140 - Cross The Toll Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Sam Winchester, who lived in Cherryville decided to surprise his grandmother who lives in Cherryville with her favorite fruit pears. Sam had gotten 3000 pears and Cherryville is 1000 kilometers from Pearland. He got a mini truck, which can carry a maximum of 1000 pears at a time. However, every three kilometers there is a toll booth where you need to pay 1 pear, but you pay nothing when going in the other direction (towards Pearland).

What is the highest number of pears you can get to Cherryville?
category : LOGIC

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