Want to have fun? The following Funny Riddles compiled by GPuzzles.Com are actually meant for that purpose only. Who does not love to ask riddles to their friends? We have tons of Funny Riddles to look after that need of yours. But even at that, it may not be enough and thus whenever you visit our Funny Riddles page next, you may find some fresh riddles as we keep updating.

#91 - Baker Street Nonsense Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

At baker street, Matt Mazinga was arrested for taking a picture of the girl in a saree. Why?
category : HUMOUR

#92 - Rock Group Cannot Sing Trivia Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

I know a rock group of four men that do not sing. Do you?
category : HUMOUR | TRIVIA

#93 - Funny Banyan Tree Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

What did the banyan tree wear on the pool party ?
category : HUMOUR

#94 - Rugby Sports Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

A rugby player who played professional matches was practicing with his mates in a picnic. While playing he busted lips and broke ribs and thighs.

However, the very next day, he was able to play his professional match.

How did he manage to do that?

#95 - The Pacific Quick Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Balboa discovered The Pacific in 1513.
Which was the largest Ocean before that ?

#96 - Funny Ice Cream School Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In Which school do you learn the art to make the ice cream ?

category : HUMOUR

#97 - The Quick FootBall Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

In a football game , Chelsea defeated Arsenal 3 - 0 but no man from either side scored.

How can this be possible ?

category : HUMOUR

#98 - The Ghost Room Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

There is a room of which ghost afraid of ?
category : HUMOUR

#99 - Campfire Humor Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

How can you start the fire using two pieces of woods ?
category : HUMOUR

#100 - Blonde Humour Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Why did the blonde put lip loss on her head
category : HUMOUR

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