We have compiled a list of classic puzzles/riddles/brain-teasers in month of April.

#1 - Identify Number Fact Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Identify a number which when multiplied by itself gives the result as 12345678987654321.
category : TRIVIA | MATHS

#2 - Classic Barber Brain Teaser

Difficulty Popularity

There are two barber shop in a small town – one located in the eastern market and the other on the northern market. The shop in the eastern market is quite untidy and the barber has a shabby haircut. While the shop in the northern market is quite neat and clean and the barber is sporting an excellent haircut himself.

Which of the two shops will any foreign visitor opt for?
category : LOGIC | TRICK

#3 - Hard Chess Puzzle Problem

Difficulty Popularity

Your pieces are white.
You need to win in half a move.

How can you do this ?

category : LOGIC

#4 - how many squares are there in the following figure

Difficulty Popularity

How many squares are there in the following figure?

#5 - Maths Logical Problem

Difficulty Popularity

The digits 0-9(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) can be rearranged into 3628800 distinct 10 digits numbers.

How many of these numbers are prime ?

#6 - Logic Coins Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

Assuming i have an infinite supply of coins.

What is the fewest number of coins would be required in order to make sure each and every coin touched exactly three other coins.

#7 - Comedy Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

who is silent in the parliament.

#8 - Tricky Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

By using only ome straight line , can you make the equation correct.
5+5+5=550 ?

#9 - Number Equation Riddle

Difficulty Popularity

Can you add eight 8's together so they add up to an even one thousand ?
category : TRICK

#10 - How Many Tea Math Puzzle

Difficulty Popularity

If one and a half women, drink one and a half tea in one and a half minutes.

How many tea can 9 women drink in 3 minutes ?
category : MATHS

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