The following Update Software AG Interview Puzzles are brought to you by GPuzzles.Com. If you are one of the students preparing for interviews, this section can brief you regarding the format of Interview Questions in Update Software AG.

A Basic info about the company:
The Update Software AG is headquartered in Vienna, is a European manufacturer of customer relationship management software, and customer relationship management software called CRM. In-depth company's offerings include mobile CRM, analytical CRM and Social CRM.

By reading and solving these Update Software AG Interview Puzzles, you can enhance your aptitude skills which will help you a lot during the interview process.

Update Software AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #1 - Tricky Logical Interview Problem

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There is a pond and at the center of it grows a beautiful lotus flower. The size of the lotus keeps on growing double each day. If you look after twenty days, the lotus will have covered the entire pond.

How much time will the lotus take to cover half of the pond?

Update Software AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #2 - Intel Clock Interview Question

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Can you find out the angle between the minute hand and the hour hand at 3:15 on an analog clock? Think hard and then come to a conclusion.

Update Software AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #3 - Fishermen and Fishes Interview Puzzle

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Six fishermen catches six fishes in six minutes. How many fishermen will be needed to catch sixty fishes in sixty minutes?

Update Software AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #4 - Popular Logic Interview Problem

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A box contains seven purple, five blue and eleven yellow balls.

What is the minimum number of tries required to get one blue and one yellow ball ?

Update Software AG Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #5 - Distance and Speed Interview Question

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Peter travels 20 km a day uniformly. John starts from the same point peter started after three days. He travels at a speed of 15 km a day on the first day, at 19 km a day of the second day and so on following an arithmetic progression.

In how many days will he catch up with Peter?

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