Interview Process   |   Interview Puzzles / Aptitude
Flipkart Interview Puzzles have been presented to you by GPuzzles.Com. The purpose of this post is to make the students (preparing for the interview) cognizant of the structure of Interview Questions in Flipkart.

A Basic info about the company:
Flipkart is an Indian e-commerce company founded in 2007, by Sachin and Binny Bansal and head-quartered in Bangalore, Karnataka. It is reflected as the e-commerce company that made online shopping prevalent in India. According to Alexa Internet, Flipkart's website is one of the top 20 Indian websites.

The following Flipkart Interview Puzzles will enable the students to practice and be more confident while giving the interview.

Flipkart Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #1 - Time Work Interview Puzzle

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The water supplies in a village has been destroyed. A social corporation begins distributing water jugs in the village. The jugs can be passed only to two persons in five minutes.

How long will it take to pass the water jugs to 768 persons?

Flipkart Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #2 - Age Interview Problem

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When Daniel was married ten years ago, his wife was the sixth member of the family. Daniel's father died today and a baby is born. If the average age of Daniel's family during his marriage is same as of today.

calculate the age of his father when he died ?

Flipkart Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #3 - Interview Problem On Determining Speed

Difficulty Popularity

Adam and Eve are boating in a river upstream. They are carrying a magical leaf that can heal any kind of wounds. After rowing the boat for a mile, Eve notices that the leaf has fallen in the river. After five minutes, she tells Adam that the leaf has fallen. In order to get the leaf back, they turn around and grab the leaf at the point from where they had begun boating after five minutes.

What is the speed of the river?

Flipkart Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #4 - Combination Interview Problem

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22 Players have been allotted in the team of Argentina. The captain of the team is from Brazil and the goalkeeper is from a European team. For the remaining twenty players, they have picked six players from Argentina and fourteen from Europe. In a match, only eleven players are required which must comprise of the captain and the goalkeeper. For the remaining nine players, the manager decides to select three from Argentina and six from Europe.

What are the number of methods available for such a formation?

Flipkart Interview Puzzle - Aptitude #5 - Rooms Maths Interview Problem

Difficulty Popularity

There are three departments of students in a school. These departments comprises of 64, 58 and 24 students respectively. In an exam, a strict examiner is appointed who asks the officials to make them sit in a manner that every room has equal number of students and also only a single student of one departments can be seated in one room.

How many rooms will be required to fulfill it?

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