Terrifying Illusions are usually the odd illusions that are capable of shocking you for the product they offer. However what you see won't be true and that we can guarantee you. These illusions can further be divided into so many other categories as what you see might be outdoor illusions, might be body paint or might be computer generated illusions.

So hold on to your seats as what you will be seeing further will truly shock you and surprise you. If you love these illusions then boost us by sharing the link. It will help us in bringing you more and greater illusions.

Terrifying Optical Illusions #1 - Buttoned Up Body Art

Difficulty Popularity

It is true that as the winter arrives, you have to button up your clothes so you can conserve your body heat. But look at this guy. We are sure that no one would want to button up his own skin right? Whoever has created this magnificent body art illusion has done a great deal of efforts to put in details especially if you see the stitched portion. You can clearly see the depth and yes anyone will be scared at first if you are a fan of those B horror movies.

category : ART

Terrifying Optical Illusions #2 - Scary Eyes

Difficulty Popularity

Behold yourself as this illusion is definitely going to halt your breath. If it did not, then probably you have not glanced at the eyes properly? Are the eyes open? Where are the eyelashes then? Are they closed? Do you think that the eye lids were painted to generate that illusion? Or do you think that the eyelashes on the lower eye lid are painted and the upper trimmed to generate the illusion? Confused right? This is a remarkable body art that has left us speechless too. Anyhow, it is scary to glance at those eyes.

category : ART | FACE

Terrifying Optical Illusions #3 - Scary Kids Snap

Difficulty Popularity

You might be feeling that it is a cool family picture right? These kids look so happy together, then what can be scary about this picture? Try deducing it yourself first before we tell you in the next line what you have to do. So you've given up already? Alright then, take this image and try it rotating in any image viewer. You'll be shocked to find something that you had not seen earlier. It was scary right? Whoever has manipulated the picture has done a great job.

category : FACE

Terrifying Optical Illusions #4 - Creepy Golfing

Difficulty Popularity

At the first look you might take it as just a normal image. A person is golfing and there is water with splashes of water. Most of you might have had it till here only at the first look. But can you now concentrate on the splashes of water a bit more? If you see it now, you will be terrified of what you see. For those who were not able to see, the splashes form a scary image of a wolf man or a devil. It's up to you what you see. We are not sure if this is a real image or someone has brushed it up in Photoshop but it is definitely worth adding to our list.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Terrifying Optical Illusions #5 - Absolutely Terrifying Room

Difficulty Popularity

Look at the picture and if you have acrophobia, you will probably never want to visit this room. This is a marvelous 3D art and the artist who has done it has done a terrific job. It is so real that anyone who walks into this room will surely want to check by keeping just a foot inside first. At this angle of camera, it looks absolutely terrifying. However it will be a pleasure to walk inside and look at it from different angles and probably marvel at the stunning art.

category : AMAZING | ART | 3D

Terrifying Optical Illusions #6 - Spot the Scary Thing

Difficulty Popularity

At the first look, this image just shows a few dead branches with some grass. It is pretty normal and you might have across such things walking into the forests and the farms. But if you can spot the thing, you will be scare to do that now. Concentrate on the image and you will definitely be able to find it. If you were not able to, then try a few times more and then read further. There is a creepy giant spider in this image camouflaged perfectly. So next time you are having an adventurous walk into the forests, beware before stepping in such areas.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Terrifying Optical Illusions #7 - Terrifying Bounty Hunter

Difficulty Popularity

The picture that we have added is self-explanatory but it is still our job to explain you what you have to notice in this picture. There is a bounty hunter that is pointing his gun at you. Yes we know that you know that. But just try to tilt your head away from the screen. You can go sideways or vertically but wherever you move your head, he will still be aiming his gun at you. Is the gun moving? That Bounty Hunter is surely going to hit you today. Isn't this illusion quite creepy?

Terrifying Optical Illusions #8 - Creepy Hand from the Jacket

Difficulty Popularity

Now the first look at this amazing illusion and you will be left shocked. Of course a guy is sleeping and that is pretty normal. But there is a hand emerging out from the jacket above him. Wait, there is no one who is wearing that jacket and the jacket is just lying there. Probably he only had removed it before sleeping off. Now that is really quite creepy unless until we tell you the truth behind it. The hand is actually of the guy who has folded it down from his pillow and kept it on his head. You can try the same thing yourself. It is just the placement of jacket that is creating this illusion.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Terrifying Optical Illusions #9 - Decapitated Head on Beach

Difficulty Popularity

Now this outdoor illusion is truly scary. All we see is a body with the head decapitated and kept on the side of the body. But the head is still smiling as if laughing at us because we are truly scared to watch it. No it is because she has managed to fool us. How about if there are two bodies in this illusion? One is lying down and the camera is kept at an angle in which we can't see her head. The other is neck deep in the sand. Surprise right? This is the only possible explanation unless somebody has tried to Photoshop the image.

category : TRICKY

Terrifying Optical Illusions #10 - Mutilated Face

Difficulty Popularity

This is a horrible picture. We are sure that so many of you might have closed your eyes seeing it or may be wishing blessings to the poor man. His face is so much mutilated and no one should put such a picture anywhere. But wait is it really a face of a man? What if we ask you to save this picture on your system and then try rotating it clockwise at 90 degrees? What do you see now? You will be astonished to find out that this picture is actually of a dog sleeping peacefully. You never had expected that right?

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