Perception can be defined as how you view certain things. In perception based illusions however, the choice is not yours and it lays in the hands of the illusion maker. A dedicated view is provided to you which is responsible behind the illusion that you perceive. However, things might not appear same as soon as the camera angle is changed. This is a list of the best perception illusions picked up by us for you.

Perception Optical Illusions #1 - Water Wall

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Have you ever seen a wall made up of water? If no then have a look. Danish artist Jeppe Hein has created one such piece of art. The triangular structure is made of two-spyglass mirror and wall of water. The wall of water is created, by sensor drops when people are extremely close to it. Once you enter the flow picks up and the wall is created. People can look outside the triangle through the two-way mirrors and also reflect each other, the water, the visitors, and the surroundings, causing everything to seem to visually dissolve.

Perception Optical Illusions #2 - Partly Invisible Girl

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We are sure you must have seen this illusion somewhere on the social media. It had gained much popularity recently. Well it looks so impressive but let us break down the secret of invisible girl for you. What the girl is doing is no magic. She is merely holding a mirror in her hands. The mirror is reflecting the grass in front of the girl. The trick of this illusion is just to find an open green land. Well yes can do it almost anywhere but doesn't the green color makes it more impressive? Do not forget to send us your own created illusions when you try this.

Perception Optical Illusions #3 - Romantic Couple

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We still remember that this illusion gained a lot of popularity on the social media sites. This illusion can serve as an excellent example how our brain perceives information. Does something about this picture seem awkward to you? The girl sitting on sofa is actually looking quite manly while the boy is looking feminine. But can you perceive this picture as a guy sitting on sofa and a girl standing, her arms around the guy's neck? You will be shocked if you can. Isn't it amazing how our mind plays sometimes with the perception?

Perception Optical Illusions #4 - The Dark Knight Rises Movie Poster

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This is one of the most popular movie poster illusions. We do think that all of you will agree. Also, everybody of you must have noticed the illusion as well because it is so clear. On the contrary, many of you might have noticed the illusion but had not given a serious thought about the buildings that have created it. The camera is placed in between the tall buildings that are being shattered leaving a shape of a bat (exactly like the way Nolan has represented in the movie or on the bat suit). This is creativity at its best.

Perception Optical Illusions #5 - The Descent Movie Poster

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Now this is a movie that most of you might not have heard of. The descent is a horror movie which is a really well made movie if you are interested in a genre. The leads of the movie has been used creatively indeed in this poster. If you pay attention, you can see a skull forming. The center bodies act as eyes and their shoes act as the teeth. The surrounding bodies are forming the skull. While the poster also gives a hint at the macabre you can expect in the movie, it portrays a deadly skull through the leads.

category : ART | PERCEPTION

Perception Optical Illusions #6 - Emma Hack's Camouflage Art

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She is one of the most popular body paint artist in the world who portrays her skills through her camouflage art. Her work and artistic skills are exceptional as you can very well see in the attached picture. It will be hard to deduce and separate her from the background if you encounter her in real time randomly. Hats off for her amazing talent that leaves us speechless.

Perception Optical Illusions #7 - Liu Bolin Disappearing Act

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Liu Bolin is an extremely famous illusionist popular for his disappearing illusions. The man's talent is unparalleled for sure. If you don't believe us, just look at the attached picture. At the first look most of the people will fail to recognize that there is a man standing in the picture. Liu paints himself to blend with the background efficiently. He is popularly known as the Vanishing Artist. This picture is taken at a supermarket in Beijing.

Perception Optical Illusions #8 - Hyper Realistic Acrylic Masterpiece

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You might have thought that it is an acrylic painting painted by some great artist. But what if we tell you that this is a real life model and what you are looking at is not a painting built a real life snap? You will be shocked right? You will watch it over and over again but you won't believe in us even then. Well if that I the case, you may Google the name Alexa Meade and you will know the truth. The artist is so phenomenal with her skills that it is just unbelievable for our minds when we are told that all what you see are real life objects and even real life model that have been painted to make them look like an acrylic painting.

Perception Optical Illusions #9 - Famous Cars Size Perspective Distortion

Difficulty Popularity

Are the three cars shown in the picture of same size?

Perception Optical Illusions #10 - Famous Ebbinghaus

Difficulty Popularity

Which of these orange circle is larger?

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