We all know what a graffiti design is. We have seen numerous designs over the walls and among them the most common are the calligraphy based graffiti designs. But have you ever thought that graffiti can even be used to make illusions.

We guess not. Today, we bring you some awesome graffiti designs that induce an optical illusion as well. Now, they can also be considered as street art as there's only a thin line between the both. But why waste time in thinking the technicalities when you can actually sit back and enjoy these graffiti illusions.

Graffiti Optical Illusions #1 - Pulling up the Curtain

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What is this lady doing in the picture? Seeking the broom on the side, it seems that she has finished cleaning and now lifting a curtain (to clean or to throw?). The pulled curtain reveals a solid brick wall on the other side. For a second we could not believe our eyes as the brick wall looks to realistic. But then, it is just an art. Everything you see in this picture has been painted. The illusion it is creating is impressive and the artist in our view has done a good job.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Graffiti Optical Illusions #2 - Giant Waterfall on Street

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Now this is an amazing work of art. The details with which the artist has worked is just fabulous. It seems like the entire street has been converted into a giant waterfall. Especially the close end of the picture that shows the falling water has been done marvelously. The colors, the shadows, the lighting and the presentation overall is all too great. Doing something so big, it must have required a great talent and a good amount of patience and courage. Hats off to the artist who did this. This is one of the most extensive street art we have ever seen.

Graffiti Optical Illusions #3 - Rafting on the Street

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Wow was our first expression after watching this amazing illusion. These two people are rafting live on the street. But how did a canal opened up on the street and gave way to a river with such a roaring flow of water? Well actually it's all an art. Just the people in this picture are real. Everything else you see has been painted on the road. The details are just amazing and it looks like both of them are enjoying the rafting. But are they not aware of the alligator waiting just for them on the other end? Well, the alligator looks creepy frankly and his eye shows his sinister intentions.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Graffiti Optical Illusions #4 - Trapped in a Deadly Hole

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It seems like we have reached the dungeons of Egypt where some people have been trapped in search of the valuable treasure. This man is helping one of the man in reaching to the surface again. One skeleton defines the death of a person years ago. On the left far end, you can see an old person trying to reach the surface. One man is screaming for help close to the camera. So much in such a limited space. This is an amazing art by the artist. One can even explore it metaphorically while we will stay mum at that as we are here to simply enjoy some exceptional optical illusions.

Graffiti Optical Illusions #5 - Using Escalator

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This escalator leads straight to some sort of aquarium we guess seeking the blue water and the plant life that is visible from here. But what if we tell you that there is no escalator and the man is basically standing on a flat surface which has been painted to give an illusion of what we are seeing right now? You will be shocked like we were. This is because no one can predict that this staircase is actually just a 3d painting done by the artist. Full marks for innovation as well as the art. Seriously, these illusions proves that art has no limit.

category : ART | 3D

Graffiti Optical Illusions #6 - Sailing on the Street

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At least the pool of water looks tremendously realistic in this picture. The boat however looks like it has been painted which it has been but look at the water. The ripples, the reflection of sky, building as well as the sailing boat. They all are so realistic that no way you can say they have been painted till you actually go there and touch the picture yourself. The artist is touching a finger in the water portion and it feels like he is causing those ripples. Excellent detailing we must say.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Graffiti Optical Illusions #7 - Hell in a Shopping Mall

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It seems like the underworld has broken loose in this shopping mall. The deadly and creepy creatures of the underworld hell are lurching upwards to the surface to consume the people in the shopping mall. For some reason, it reminded us of the Hellraiser movie series. The creatures look likewise. A pinhead would have completed the picture. Anyhow, the depth is evident in this illusion. Although it does not look realistic and you can easily identify it as an illusion, the depth and creativity is awesome.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Graffiti Optical Illusions #8 - Sitting on a Giant Beer Mug

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Can you identify what all in this picture is part of the painting and what all is realistic? The mug of course has been painted. But what about the girl sitting on the top of the froth. Can she be real sitting at a distance? Or she is the part of this illusion? Even we are confuse over that. The girl is likely to be painted but for some reasons, she appears to be real. Only the artist can clarify our doubt. What do you have to say in this matter? The illusion is a good one on the other hand, the beer mug stands tall from this camera angle.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Graffiti Optical Illusions #9 - Giant Coffee Cup

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It looks like someone from the Gulliver Travels has left is coffee cup on the road and that tiny human is trying to sort is cocoa powder in the coffee cup. Probably the artist has painted the cup too white and it is not matching up with the environment. This is the reason why one can clearly make out that it has been painted and it's not real. Other than that the shiny surface creating HDR reflections has been done pretty nicely. And gosh it actually looks like he is sitting there. See his knee is actually hiding the portion of cup in that area.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Graffiti Optical Illusions #10 - Fishing on the Street

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Seems like a pond has found a way on the street and this man had even come all geared up with his fishing hook. But see his expressions, he caught a whale instead of a fish. You can only expect him to be pulled inside the pond in the next moment. See how the crowd has gathered to look at this marvelous illusion. Yes everything you see has been painted on the road except the man who is real and probably the man behind this amazing street art. If you liked the illusion, don't forget to share it with your friends.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

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