Geometric Illusions are the perfect examples to study how our minds react and attempts to process orderly representations out of some disorderly 2D images. For example, we all know that a 3D space cannot be represented with a 2D image. But some arrangements forces our perception in a manner that we try to extract a 3D image due to the placement of some geometrical figures in such manner.

In the same manner, we sometime process a faulty perception of images avoiding the true one just because it is meant for the same and is intelligently created to play with our minds. Confused? Yes you might be. So let us proceed with some of such Geometric Illusions that will force you to rethink your perception.

Geometric Optical Illusions #1 - Crooked or Straight

Difficulty Popularity

Are the lines in the given figure bent or parallel to each other? How many of them are parallel if they are parallel and how many are bent?

category : LOGIC | PUZZLES

Geometric Optical Illusions #2 - Famous Ebbinghaus

Difficulty Popularity

Which of these orange circle is larger?

Geometric Optical Illusions #3 - Amazing Missing Shapes

Difficulty Popularity

What geometrical figure can you perceive in the two images?

Geometric Optical Illusions #4 - Popular Spiral

Difficulty Popularity

How many turns can you count in the spiral?

Geometric Optical Illusions #5 - Cool Rotating Circles

Difficulty Popularity

Move your head closer to the screen and then move it away. Do it back and forth. What do you find?

Geometric Optical Illusions #6 - Famous Sander

Difficulty Popularity

Which of the blue lines is longer than the other?

Geometric Optical Illusions #7 - Famous Zollner

Difficulty Popularity

Parallel or not? What do you have to say about the black lines?

Geometric Optical Illusions #8 - Popular Rolling Waves

Difficulty Popularity

You don't have to move or tilt your head. Hold it still. Now just scroll this page up and down. What do you see?

Geometric Optical Illusions #9 - Fibonacci Swollen Square

Difficulty Popularity

It's a 3D figure right. We can clearly make out the swollen middle square. But wait it's not a 3D image. Or is it?

category : LOGIC | PUZZLES

Geometric Optical Illusions #10 - Standard Moving Square

Difficulty Popularity

Hold back your head steady. Now just scroll the webpage up and down with moderate speed. What do you see?

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