Most of the people search for the illusions to have a fun time. We agree that artists have taken the illusions to some other level through their creativity and art. But sometimes, you just want to enjoy a bit while relaxing on your chair not bothered about the art and stuff.

This is the reason why, we are creating this category of Funny Illusions. Now, you don;t have to go anywhere else as we will be offering you all sort of hilarious and funny illusions at one place only. Expect new illusions to drop in with time as we are continually updating our database always. Also, don't forget to share these funny illusions with your circle if you like them.

Funny Optical Illusions #1 - Abnormally Long Beard

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The first impression you will go through while looking at this pic will be that it has been photoshopped and not real. But what if we tell you that whatever you are looking at is completely real. However, we suggest you change your focus from the beard to the lower body of the man. Do you think something unusual? Yes, it is actually a girl who is standing in front of the guy. The height is perfectly appropriate to create this illusion. Also, the same colored clothes are responsible for the merging of two bodies that appear to be one. Isn't this illusion really awesome?

Funny Optical Illusions #2 - The Pissing Kid

Difficulty Popularity

Now you can't help but laugh or smile at this illusion. We don't need to tell you what you are looking at do we? Our guess is a sprinkler just behind the kid that is responsible for the final illusion that you are looking at. The person who has clicked this picture has done a good job. The angle is perfect and the timing is spot on. Poor kid does not know that he is being captured to create a funny illusion and he seems so happy to be a part of it.

category : FUNNY

Funny Optical Illusions #3 - Three Legged Girl

Difficulty Popularity

Even when we looked at this illusion at first, we were shocked. We guess you are having a similar fate right? For a couple of seconds we could not find out what was going on in this picture and then our eyes fell on the vase. Have you located the vase yet? Just look at her hands. She is holding an empty flower vase whose color matches with the stockings over her legs. The left most leg is actually a vase. But that is not how one can perceive it to be without exploring and looking at the image carefully right?

category : FUNNY

Funny Optical Illusions #4 - The Devil Child

Difficulty Popularity

At the very first glance, you can see a horn growing on the girl's head. So is she a devil child? No of course not. There is nothing like that entity once you move out of the horror movies. So what is it? Look for a few seconds and find out yourself or read ahead. If you look between her side pony tails and head, you can see that there is a land between two segments of grasses. It is actually this land that is matched perfectly with her parting of hair. It is narrowing down because of the perspective. Isn't it amazing?

Funny Optical Illusions #5 - The flaming Fart

Difficulty Popularity

Now this one is really funny. Amazing job guys! Just look at what the guy is doing. He is making it so much more believable by closing his nose with his fingers. Ohk one more thing is the camera angle which is just perfect. The placement of the guy and all is very important and we think that they thought of everything. The flow of flames is emerging right from behind. If the guy was standing even a bit on left, it would not have appeared that impressive. Anyhow, it is pretty funny right? We could not stop laughing.

Funny Optical Illusions #6 - Flipping off the Guy

Difficulty Popularity

Now this illusion is very carefully and cleverly timed. You can see that there are three frames and the positioning of the guy and the fingers is synced correctly. Our guess would be burst shooting or it would have been so difficult to take these snaps in one go. But whatever method have they used, the final result is really good. It really feels that the fingers have flipped the guy off from the shore into the sea. It is hilarious and we hope you had fun watching it. Do share if you like the illusion.

Funny Optical Illusions #7 - Holding My Own Head

Difficulty Popularity

Of course if you add a bit of lighting here in this picture after converting it into a night scene, it will appear to be scary instead of funny. For now, it looks pretty amusing also because of the fact that you already know it is an illusion. So how was this achieved? We are guessing that the head belongs to someone else who is standing in front of the person. The missing head might be hidden inside the pullover. But that's just one explanation. Do you have something other than this? Do make use of the comments if you have found out something else.

category : FUNNY

Funny Optical Illusions #8 - Touching the Moon

Difficulty Popularity

This guy has achieved what might be a dream of so many. He has touched the moon. This illusion is really awesome. There are so many things that are involved to make it believable and appear so amazing. The biker guy must have been stunting. The bike is merely in the air and the camera angle is so perfect that it really feels that he is touching the moon. The camera angle and the timing was most important is creating this illusion and that has been done neatly.

Funny Optical Illusions #9 - Scary Paper Bag

Difficulty Popularity

At the first glance, you must have felt like the picture had really come to life. This is purely a work of creativity. If you realize, there is always a gap in every poly bag or paper bag where you slide in your fingers to hold the bag. The artist has simply used that space to depict the mouth of the woman. Thus the person who is holding it by inserting the fingers inside the gap is not even aware of the fact that from a distance it looks like the lady printed on the bag is actually eating her hand. Did you like this illusion? Do share among your friends if you did.

category : FUNNY | ART

Funny Optical Illusions #10 - The Giant Man

Difficulty Popularity

These kind of illusions are pretty popular. The reason is simple. They care easy to create if you know the technique and also as they are real fun. The people who are bending down are actually far away than the man whose foot is visible and implying to be crushing them underneath. The camera angle is chose in a manner that both the foot and the people appear to be aligned in the same image. Since the foot is close to camera, it appears giant and the people who are far away looks tiny in comparison. Isn't it amazing? Make sure you try a similar thing next time you are out with friends.

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