Many a times, you gaze at the sky and find clouds that appear to be different from the regular cluster. You can find some shapes, certain patterns and anything unusual based on your perception.

Then, sometime, you feel that you can use those clouds to create an illusion of some kind. Those are the pictures that we have collected for this list of Cloud Illusions. Believe us when we say that you will be amazed to see them and would begin finding things in the clouds so you can create some of your own.

Cloud Optical Illusions #1 - Eating the Cloud

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This is as simple as a cloud illusion can get. You don't need anything specific and just a little cloud hanging in the sky in front of you. Next you need a camera and someone who can click a nice picture and can guide you with the position of your mouth and hand. What you see here is just a play of perspective. Since, the man is close to the camera, the cloud appears to be a tiny object which as per his gesture, he is trying to eat.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Cloud Optical Illusions #2 - Spray Painting Clouds

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It is an interesting illusion right? It appears that somebody is actually spray painting the clouds in the blue sky. They seem to be appearing from the tiny nozzle of the spray and spreading into the sky. Well, this is an easy to do thing. You just need a spray bottle and you need to click it with the right alignment to the clouds. Although, we do think that someone used a bit of photoshop to make the cloud lining thin near the nozzle or had a great luck to find them naturally like that. Certainly you can try it sometime?

category : ANAMORPHIC

Cloud Optical Illusions #3 - Collecting Stream of Clouds

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Looking at the picture, it feels like the clouds in the form of a stream are pouring down right into the mineral water bottle. How would they taste like? Well that's a difficult thing to say because that's not actually happening. It just appears to be like that. Placing the bottle close to the camera and in a perfect alignment with the thin lining of clouds has resulted in this impressive illusion. Can that be a jet smoke? You hardly find clouds that thin and straight. So yes, it may be but still, it appears to be clouds.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Cloud Optical Illusions #4 - Beautiful Heart Shaped Cloud

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How will you feel if this is what you see when you look out of your window on a lazy Sunday morning? Some might refer to this as the god's way of saying that he loves you. Some might perceive it as a sign straight from the cupid. The loving couples might get excited looking at it and feel loved. Different people and different perceptions. But all together, the heart shaped cloud undeniably looks like a perfect start for the day.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Cloud Optical Illusions #5 - Middle Finger Cloud

Difficulty Popularity

That sure is not a good sight especially if you look at it after having a bad time at the office or probably after a little dispute from your loved ones. What will be the first thought that comes into your mind? We would love to hear about it in the comments. Anyhow, that can certainly ruin the mood or on the contrary can make you laugh rhetorically. Do you think someone has edited the image? Can such an image be real to perfection? Well certainly, sometimes nature amuses us.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Cloud Optical Illusions #6 - Sleeping Baby Cloud

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Now this is a cute illusion for sure. If you look carefully, you can find the outlining of a little baby lying done in comfort of the nature's arms. Probably nature treats everyone as her child and this illusion can also be seen as a metaphor if you want to enlighten yourself. Otherwise, just take it as an interesting thing. Make sure you click pictures next time you see any shape or figure formed by the clouds. Probably you can even share it with us.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Cloud Optical Illusions #7 - Statue Trumpet Blowing Clouds

Difficulty Popularity

Alright, someone has got a great creativity and sense of perspective or camera angle. Of course if you were present at the place and were looking from some different direction, you would not have been able to see it like this. The photographer chose this specific angle to create the illusion that you are watching right now. But to decide the camera angle, you must first have a creative mind to think about it in that sense. It feels as if the clouds are coming out through the trumpet. Definitely a good cloud illusion.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Cloud Optical Illusions #8 - Horse shaped Cloud

Difficulty Popularity

You can clearly see a horse in the sky. No, it is not a digitally modified if you are thinking that. We are sure, you might have come across such things often when you looked up at the clouded sky. Some people like to take the picture of such things and they are the reason why we are sharing it today with you and you are getting amazed by looking it. Did you like the illusion? Do not forget to share with your friends if you did.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Cloud Optical Illusions #9 - Ice Cream Cloud

Difficulty Popularity

This has to be a creative take on the cloud illusions. It appears to be that someone is eating an ice cream cone inside which the clouds are making up for the ice cream portion. How to achieve it? Whenever you find a similar cloud, hold an ice cream cone close to the camera and position accordingly before clicking the picture. Of course, one has to give credit to this creativity. It is easy to imitate things but difficult to think of them originally.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Cloud Optical Illusions #10 - Cloud Trails from Fingers

Difficulty Popularity

Seems like these four fingers created those trails in the otherwise clear blue sky. Creative right? Lucky? Yeah maybe. It is difficult to find such cloud line ups. But of course, someone might have digitally modified things to his own interest. Whatever it may be, the output result is impressive and encouraging for the people who like to create such illusions. Probably you will keep it in mind next time you come across such clouds.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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