Black and White Patterns to Make You High is certainly a big title for this set of illusions. Basically they are some patterns that are trippy. There is no animation and they are plain image files. But the pattern has been designed that it can make you high without drinking.

Some people might have a problem staring at these illusions for long as they are quite sensitive to such images. It is a request that if you feel nauseated or a headache after staring at the image for half a minute, you must close the tab immediately. Others can definitely enjoy them for as long as they want.

Black and White Illusions to make you high #1 - Trippy Flower Bed

Difficulty Popularity

There is no movement in this image. Obviously it is not a gif but in certain images, you experience motion within the still images. This is not one of them. But the pattern has been made in a manner that if you move your eyes through it, you feel high. It's not a big deal if you even develop a heavy head within a minute. So proceed with caution and at your own risk. Whoever designed this image has turned out to be extremely good.

category : TRIPPY

Black and White Illusions to make you high #2 - Trippy Flickr

Difficulty Popularity

Now this is a simple image. It's almost like spokes in the flags. The only difference is that the spokes become pointed at the center making several isosceles triangles that join at the center. You might not able to feel anything. But if you just scroll this page up and down while looking at the image, you will feel the motion and then if you keep doing it, it will be extremely trippy for viewing. Stop whenever you feel that it's not going well with your brain and you are feeling awkward or sick.

category : TRIPPY

Black and White Illusions to make you high #3 - Trippy Fan Pattern

Difficulty Popularity

Why do we call this a trippy fan pattern? If you notice in the center, you will notice a distinct shape that appears to be in the shape of a fan or the flower petals. Do you feel that it is moving? Keep staring for some time and you might feel it to be actually rotating. The reason is the background and the fact that the shape has been taken out from the same background with a slightly beveled nature. It is perfectly fine if you are not able to see it rotate. Not all people can experience this illusion.

category : TRIPPY

Black and White Illusions to make you high #4 - Trippy Donut

Difficulty Popularity

It seems like this image will never stop. There is no animation included. But the opposite spiral pattern on the donut shape and the background keeps contradicting with each other and thus reproduce and output that is received by our eyes as motion. If you can't notice anything, try to scroll the page up and down while looking at it. You can try another thing. If you save this image on your desktop, you can open it separately and try to zoom in and out while staring at it. Do tell us if you felt anything.

category : TRIPPY

Black and White Illusions to make you high #5 - Trippy Checkers Pattern

Difficulty Popularity

This is an old trick. Even you can create this pattern. But first of all, what do you feel while looking at the illusion. Stare at the center of the image and then move your eyes to the surrounding areas and you will feel the pattern to be moving and it is actually quite trippy. It won't stop until you look away or close the tab. The trick if you want to create one yourself is to stretch the tiny square as you move out of the center. Give it a try and tell us if you were able to achieve it.

category : TRIPPY

Black and White Illusions to make you high #6 - Trippy Four Way Star

Difficulty Popularity

This is another one of the light trippy illusions. If you are used to viewing the trippy illusions, this might not affect you much but for starters this can prove to be a nice beginning. There is no hidden meaning and the picture dos not reflect any kind of motion as well. It is simply mildly trippy. The reason is the pattern and the fact that the star comes out from the same pattern except slightly zoomed in creating disturbance with the original background pattern.

category : TRIPPY

Black and White Illusions to make you high #7 - Trippy Spiral Down Pattern

Difficulty Popularity

Before you stare this illusion for long, we must warn you that this falls under a category of extremely trippy illusions. The moment you look at it, you can feel the pattern spiraling down and the rest especially the portion between the corners and the center to be quite trippy. If you want to enhance the effect, try moving your eyes randomly over the pattern and you will find things worse. Do not stare this illusion for long as it is capable of giving you a headache and churning stomach.

category : TRIPPY

Black and White Illusions to make you high #8 - Weird Triangle

Difficulty Popularity

If you look in the center region of this image, you will see that the things are moving endlessly. The lines appear to be flickering and it won't stop. We assure you that it is a plain image file with no in built animations. The way the pattern has been put together creates a virtual animation effect that is perceived by our eyes. Did you enjoy this illusion? Do not forget to share it with your friends.

category : TRIPPY

Black and White Illusions to make you high #9 - Spiraling Down Trippy Pattern

Difficulty Popularity

You might have seen many of such spirals all over the internet. This is the one for the beginners. If we throw in some contrasting colors, it will definitely become quite trippy but with just black and white pattern, this is quite mild and best for people who complain of headaches after watching trippy illusions. This is where you can begin. You feel that the pattern is spiraling down. If you don't feel it moving, try some other illusions.

category : TRIPPY

Black and White Illusions to make you high #10 - Trippy Balls

Difficulty Popularity

This illusion lies on the upper scale of trippy factor. You might be able to perceive many motions within the same picture depending on how it strikes your mind. You might see waves moving and you might see the balls rotating. You might even be able to experience both at the same time. If that is the case, you will agree to the fact that this is one of finest thing in black and white that can produce such a trippy effect.

category : TRIPPY

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