What is Anamorphosis? It is basically the distorted projection using perspective as the key factor to reconstruct an image that appears different if looked from some other view angle or perspective.

Anamorphic Illusions constitute the properties of Anamorphosis and thus the name. These illusions can be natural occurring and can be clicked from a specific point of angle or can even be created by illusionists or artists. Here, we present you with some of the popular anamorphic illusions. Do share if you like them.

Anamorphic Optical Illusions #1 - Amazing Public Staircase Art

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At first look it may come across your mind that someone has photoshopped the picture to make a fake illusion. But what if we tell you that this picture has been taken at the Bayview subway station in Toronto and it is a real life public illusion art? The art is certainly stunningly impressive. We all can see a staircase that goes from the floor to the middle of the wall. However what we perceive as a 3D object is merely a 2D drawing over the wall and floor to make an illusion. The artist is definitely great.

Anamorphic Optical Illusions #2 - Natural Apache Head in Mountain

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Nature has its own ways of surprising us. She can do it in several different ways. At this particular moment, just look at the attached image and marvel the art of Mother Nature. This famous Apache Head Illusion in the Rocks is present at Ebihens, France. You can explore the same if you visit the place and look at what the different angles have to offer. Do you have any other such mountains or rock illusions to show us? Do share.

Anamorphic Optical Illusions #3 - Super Cool Upside Down Glasses

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You can find such glasses at many stores. These are well suited for kids who can't help but admire the illusion. The print is made in a manner that when the glass is reversed, it still creates a picture that is by all means quite impressive. In this attached picture, you can see a girl crying when the glass is upside down and a happy guy when the glass is up.

category : COOL | ANAMORPHIC

Anamorphic Optical Illusions #4 - Waterfall out of Water Bottle

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The illusion that this person has been able to achieve is truly remarkable. At the first look, you might feel that the water is actually falling from the bottle. But take a closer look, it is not a water flow but a water fall that is emerging out of the bottle. The placement of the bottle, the angle and perspective and the ability of the one who clicked the picture makes this illusion look stunning. You can try such illusions yourself. Do stop by a waterfall next time to take one of your own.

Anamorphic Optical Illusions #5 - Stunning Anamorphic Street Painting

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These days, the anamorphic street arts or the 3d street paintings have become a rage. The illusion they offer is unparalleled and hats off to those artists. The attached picture also shows one of those marvelous illusions. If you come across such an illusion you might as well fear of falling right into the water. Mind you step! Certainly, this is an incredible art painted by an incredibly talented artist.

Anamorphic Optical Illusions #6 - Fingernails leaping off the Page

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This is the work of a popular Italian illustrator Alessandro Diddi. You certainly can't believe your eyes. He is a genius. We are sure there are many other incredible anamorphic illusions created by him using just pencil and paper but this one caught our attention the most. It really feels that those finger nails exist in real world. It is incredible how he can fool our eyes into believing something that is just an illustration. Can you try your hand at such an art? If you can, do share with us.

Anamorphic Optical Illusions #7 - Stunning Anamorphic Sculpture

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This is one of the most stunning anamorphic structure we have ever come across. Just think about the calculations that are necessary before creating such an illusion. This process cannot just rely on artistic hands but also requires a lot of patience and computing. The sculptor Jonty Hurwitz does computing before he begins sculpting such anamorphic illusions. The output is simply fabulous. Search for the artist for more of such illusions by him.

Anamorphic Optical Illusions #8 - Amazing Dinner Table

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This illusion is a bit different than the other illusions. Yes it is art but not in the same manner in which you have seen other anamorphic illusions. What you see is a face but if you concentrate, you can find out that the face is made up of various things that lie on the dining table; be it eggs, cutlery or the wine bottles. The things have been arranged to give an illusion that there is a face that is lying above the table. This illusion might not work from a different perspective angle though.

Anamorphic Optical Illusions #9 - Mind blowing Newton's Cradle Illustration

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This is undoubtedly an amazing work of 3D anamorphic pencil illustration. The artist has shaded so well that nobody can deny the fact that it is literally standing on the surface. You almost expect the balls to move after the very first look. It's beautiful right and yes marvelously done. It is crazy how some artists can create such an illusion that forces our mind to think something that is not real.

category : AMAZING | ART | 3D

Anamorphic Optical Illusions #10 - Impossibly Real Painted Basketball

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No this can't be right! No way can this basketball be a painted illusion. An anamorphic art cannot be so real by any means. We all thought the same with the first glance. Though we can't deny the fact that we still feel the same. This is because it appears so real that you almost want to pick it up and dribble it. But then, it is a stunningly real 3d anamorphic artwork in reality. Whoever has created this illusion surely deserves a bow from us.

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