Optical Illusion : Will You Marry Me?

That is the only title we could thing of this extremely sweet illusion or a gesture maybe. Did you ever think of using the sun in such a manner? Well the next time you come across such a weather, you can definitely click a pic and send to your loved ones. Perspective is the only key thing here. It makes the sun appear so small that it can be taken as a ring. It looks as if he is ready to slide that ring in her finger. Actually whenever you create an illusion, even the little things matter. If this illusion did not have a hand of the girl, it would not have appeared so impressive.

category : PERCEPTION


Optical Illusion : Famous In or Out

The red ball (dot) is inside the cube or it is outside it?

Optical Illusion : Vanishing Surfaces

You might have already understood what you have to do right? You just have to stare at the black dot in the middle. Stare it long enough concentrating on nothing else except the dot and you will find that the blue surfaces disappear suddenly. Although, the image might have looked so simple to you in the beginning, the final effect of the illusion is really something right? We are sure that the people who like disappearing effects, will like this simple yet powerful illusion.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Darth Vader Coffee Foam Art

This amazing art is sure to surprise the star wars fans. For others it might just be a simple character face but the fans can definitely relate more to it. It is obvious that the artist was a big fan of the franchise as well. Whatever it may be, the fact here is that the artist has done a fabulous job. Sometimes we do wonder how much art has progressed. The coffee foam arts surly surprises us in one of the most shocking ways.

Optical Illusion : Young Girl or Old Woman

This is one of the most popular ambiguous illusion. We are sure that you may have seen this somewhere on the web. What you have to decide is whether this is a 1/4th face of a young girl's face or the side view of an old woman. You will easily be able to acknowledge the young girl but if you are facing any problem in perceiving the old woman's face, here is a tip for you. Just try to perceive the neck of the girl as the mouth of the old woman and her ear as old woman's eye. Were you able to see both? Tell us in your comments.

Optical Illusion : Showering the Man with Water

How will you feel if somebody unknown does that to you? Well we will be pretty enraged. But the fact here is that it is not happening in real. Yes you read it right. That person holding the shower is merely watering the plants which are blooming in the back. The person sitting on the bench is sitting ahead from that place. Actually there is the bend on the margin wall and the bench is situated at the inside bend. This makes both the watering guy and the sitting guy in the same line. This is why it appears so.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Straight to Inferno

This elevator will not take you anywhere in the building. It leads you straight to inferno if you step in the gap. So please look for it. Amazing art right? This will literally scare anyone who tries to climb up the elevator. It is amazing how creatively the artists thinks and with what finesse they create such arts. By all means this look like real especially the burning hot insides. The details are simply amazing and the artist must be applauded for such an output. If you like our illusions do not forget to bookmark and share.

category : AMAZING | ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Sailing on the Street

At least the pool of water looks tremendously realistic in this picture. The boat however looks like it has been painted which it has been but look at the water. The ripples, the reflection of sky, building as well as the sailing boat. They all are so realistic that no way you can say they have been painted till you actually go there and touch the picture yourself. The artist is touching a finger in the water portion and it feels like he is causing those ripples. Excellent detailing we must say.

category : ART | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : The Torn Paper

We are sure you assumed it to be a close-up of a woman's cleavage. But if only your dirty mind would have focused more on the safety pin at the top, probably you would have thought in some other direction. Just look at the four corners and you will realize that it is merely a paper. It has been torn at the bottom and the fold is creating a shadow that is actually creating an illusion making you perceive it as a close up of cleavage. If you liked this illusion, do share among your friends.

Optical Illusion : Weird Triangle

If you look in the center region of this image, you will see that the things are moving endlessly. The lines appear to be flickering and it won't stop. We assure you that it is a plain image file with no in built animations. The way the pattern has been put together creates a virtual animation effect that is perceived by our eyes. Did you enjoy this illusion? Do not forget to share it with your friends.

category : TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Water Wall

Have you ever seen a wall made up of water? If no then have a look. Danish artist Jeppe Hein has created one such piece of art. The triangular structure is made of two-spyglass mirror and wall of water. The wall of water is created, by sensor drops when people are extremely close to it. Once you enter the flow picks up and the wall is created. People can look outside the triangle through the two-way mirrors and also reflect each other, the water, the visitors, and the surroundings, causing everything to seem to visually dissolve.

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