Optical Illusion : Vanishing Surfaces

You might have already understood what you have to do right? You just have to stare at the black dot in the middle. Stare it long enough concentrating on nothing else except the dot and you will find that the blue surfaces disappear suddenly. Although, the image might have looked so simple to you in the beginning, the final effect of the illusion is really something right? We are sure that the people who like disappearing effects, will like this simple yet powerful illusion.

category : COOL


Optical Illusion : Famous Vertical and Horizontal Length

Which line is longer in length - the vertical one or the horizontal one?

Optical Illusion : Popular Rotating Snakes

You can find the circles rotating and the name is derived due to the striped pattern. So you can really feel those snakes rotating.

category : TRIPPY | MOVING

Optical Illusion : Surfing in the Sea 3D Mall Art

We bet that this would have been the finest attraction of the shopping mall at that particular time. People must have literally rushed to see this magnificent piece of 3D chalk art. It appears so realistic that you must have been wondering how. Hats off to the artist for inducing so much of the details into his art. Take your time and marvel at the extensive details. How about if you get a chance to click a selfie while lying over the sand?

Optical Illusion : Holding Mountain on Head

You are probably going to try this one whenever you visit such a beach in your life. This is the beauty of outdoor illusions. Once you see one, you can easily imitate it yourself. But of course, the one who does it for the first time is surely pretty good at creativity. This person had done it just right. The expressions and the legs make it appear even more real. But yes, the photographer did a good job as well.

Optical Illusion : Disguised Chameleon

We all know the physical characteristics of a chameleon and the special abilities they possess to camouflage themselves anytime, anywhere as per the surroundings. But still, some images will astonish you. The below image is an excellent example. Anybody will take it as a dry leaf only but only till the moment that he is told about a chameleon hiding in the picture. Whoever has clicked this snap has done a super amazing job at it. Without interfering with anything, this illusion suffices as a natural disappearing effect illusion.

Optical Illusion : Reveal by Shaking Your Head

Now this one is an interesting one and a bit difficult to achieve as well. But if you can do it, you will be astonished at the result and will be keen to find out how the illusion was generated. So without wasting any time, let us come to what you have to do. You can see and image below. Just look at the image. Now start shaking your head randomly. Keep it doing and you will soon be able to trace a figure inside the image. Were you able to find out what it was? What did you see? Use the comments section below to tell your experience.

category : AMAZING | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Enigmatic Painting

This is a marvelous piece of art. The painting might look simple at the first glance but if you concentrate, you will be awarded with one fine example of ambiguous illusion. What was the first thing you perceived? We are sure that most of you saw the face of an old man. But if you concentrate, you will see a horse rider in the image. Once you can find it, it will be a lot difficult to perceive the old man's face again. Anyways, you can also find a women lying down on the right side of the rider. Also, now you may perceive the white hair as a river flowing down and the dark hair at the right most as trees. Were you able to perceive anything else than that? Do leave in your comments if you were.

category : ART | FACE

Optical Illusion : Mind Blowing Artifice Painting

This is an absolute masterpiece. Of course you will be able to see two different things and situations in this painting. The first one is the portrait which is quite clear. But what helped in making the portrait? The other picture/situation is of a girl standing and awaiting the approaching train. Her hair have been used to form the eyes of the portrait, her arm the nose, the folds of her dress as the mouth and beard. Just look at the ear of the portrait. You will find a street lamp and a person. The steam emerging from the train form the hair of the portrait. Amazing right? Definitely it is.

category : AMAZING | ART

Optical Illusion : Girly Legged Man

What is wrong with this man? He looks perfectly fine till you reach the waist portion. It actually feels more like a girl's pic. Is he abnormal? If no, then what has gone wrong here? Actually if you look at the face of his wife and then relate the body that you are looking with her, you will know what's wrong. It is actually her body that you see. The guy's body is behind her with black shorts and white tee. The way they are overlapping each other has made it look like what you are perceiving.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Collecting Stream of Clouds

Looking at the picture, it feels like the clouds in the form of a stream are pouring down right into the mineral water bottle. How would they taste like? Well that's a difficult thing to say because that's not actually happening. It just appears to be like that. Placing the bottle close to the camera and in a perfect alignment with the thin lining of clouds has resulted in this impressive illusion. Can that be a jet smoke? You hardly find clouds that thin and straight. So yes, it may be but still, it appears to be clouds.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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