Optical Illusion : Trippy Flower Bed

There is no movement in this image. Obviously it is not a gif but in certain images, you experience motion within the still images. This is not one of them. But the pattern has been made in a manner that if you move your eyes through it, you feel high. It's not a big deal if you even develop a heavy head within a minute. So proceed with caution and at your own risk. Whoever designed this image has turned out to be extremely good.

category : TRIPPY


Optical Illusion : Same or Different Shades of Red?

Just look closely at the two given figures. Focus on the red dots. They are different shades right? Now just take this picture into any photo editing program and sample both the shades to receive a shock. The shades that looks so different are actually the same. So why does they look different? This is because of the different background shades that these two images have. Sometimes, our brain perceives things according to the background. This is an excellent example of the phenomenon.

category : LOGIC | TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Absolutely Terrifying Room

Look at the picture and if you have acrophobia, you will probably never want to visit this room. This is a marvelous 3D art and the artist who has done it has done a terrific job. It is so real that anyone who walks into this room will surely want to check by keeping just a foot inside first. At this angle of camera, it looks absolutely terrifying. However it will be a pleasure to walk inside and look at it from different angles and probably marvel at the stunning art.

category : AMAZING | ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Italicized characters

Look at the picture below. He characters combine to form a word UTE. But that is not what you have to consider. What you have to look at is the italicized nature of the characters. What if we tell you that these characters are not italicized but straight? You won't believe us and that is perfectly expected. But what you can do is take this picture into any photo editing software and then try to adjust the brightness and contrast such that you are left with just the letters. You will find out that they are actually straight only. The placement of the characters over the background is responsible for them appearing italicized.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Enigmatic Painting

This is a marvelous piece of art. The painting might look simple at the first glance but if you concentrate, you will be awarded with one fine example of ambiguous illusion. What was the first thing you perceived? We are sure that most of you saw the face of an old man. But if you concentrate, you will see a horse rider in the image. Once you can find it, it will be a lot difficult to perceive the old man's face again. Anyways, you can also find a women lying down on the right side of the rider. Also, now you may perceive the white hair as a river flowing down and the dark hair at the right most as trees. Were you able to perceive anything else than that? Do leave in your comments if you were.

category : ART | FACE

Optical Illusion : Partly Invisible Girl

We are sure you must have seen this illusion somewhere on the social media. It had gained much popularity recently. Well it looks so impressive but let us break down the secret of invisible girl for you. What the girl is doing is no magic. She is merely holding a mirror in her hands. The mirror is reflecting the grass in front of the girl. The trick of this illusion is just to find an open green land. Well yes can do it almost anywhere but doesn't the green color makes it more impressive? Do not forget to send us your own created illusions when you try this.

Optical Illusion : Lifting her Dad

Just look at the innocent expressions of the girl in this picture. She's so cure right? But look at what she is doing - lifting her dad in the air using merely her fingers. Of course her dad is not an ant-man or a tiny figure. He is just standing at quite some distance and what you see is purely a perspective play by the photographer. This is the reason why you see the lower portion of the picture in focus while the upper portion is not focused. Also, you must be able to see the glow on the edges. This is because someone has brought the images in focus forcefully. But yes, it is a decent photography illusion.

Optical Illusion : Coiled Wire Shadow

Nobody could have imagined anything if he was given this coiled wire. In no way can you understand anything about it till you throw light at it and watch the shadow. We are sure if you experienced it live, you would have been shocked to see the shadow. What you thought was nothing actually can drop a shadow pronouncing a word loudly to you. As you can see on the wall, the word somewhere is clear. An artist actually crafted it out on the wire and the result is outstanding. Can you try something like this yourself?

category : AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Wolverine or Two Bat Men

Now this is something amusing. We all know who wolverine is and who batman is. This is truly a picture of the x-men star Wolverine with the old comic style costume. But wait. Try to forget the yellow portion. Do you see two batmen facing each other in the picture? You did not see that coming did you? Well, this is amazing because no one would have thought of it like that till they actually saw this illusion.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Statue Trumpet Blowing Clouds

Alright, someone has got a great creativity and sense of perspective or camera angle. Of course if you were present at the place and were looking from some different direction, you would not have been able to see it like this. The photographer chose this specific angle to create the illusion that you are watching right now. But to decide the camera angle, you must first have a creative mind to think about it in that sense. It feels as if the clouds are coming out through the trumpet. Definitely a good cloud illusion.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Floating Tap

This image is bound to generate curiosity in every mind. "How is this possible?" is the question which crops up in mind after seeing this. This marvelous illusion is created with the help of a hidden pipe under the stream of water. This whole structure stands on it. While supporting the structure, the pipe also serves as water carrier.

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