Optical Illusion : Trippy Balls

This illusion lies on the upper scale of trippy factor. You might be able to perceive many motions within the same picture depending on how it strikes your mind. You might see waves moving and you might see the balls rotating. You might even be able to experience both at the same time. If that is the case, you will agree to the fact that this is one of finest thing in black and white that can produce such a trippy effect.

category : TRIPPY


Optical Illusion : Middle of the Circle

Can you find out which of the given black dots marks the center of the circle?

category : TRICKY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Slam Dunking the Moon

Who are these guys who have taken up the moon to slam dunk into the basket? This illusion is definitely a unique work and it appears quite stunning for sure. Not just a perfect timing but the way filters have been used in this picture makes it appear even better. These type of illusions require your creativity as well as the perfect timing and yes you need to be at the right place with a fine camera too. Can you create a similar illusion yourself?

category : TRICKY | AMAZING

Optical Illusion : Creepy Golfing

At the first look you might take it as just a normal image. A person is golfing and there is water with splashes of water. Most of you might have had it till here only at the first look. But can you now concentrate on the splashes of water a bit more? If you see it now, you will be terrified of what you see. For those who were not able to see, the splashes form a scary image of a wolf man or a devil. It's up to you what you see. We are not sure if this is a real image or someone has brushed it up in Photoshop but it is definitely worth adding to our list.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Creative VHS Tapes Skull

Now this is really the mother of creativity. Someone has really done a lot of hard work creating this awesome skull illusion. But that really paid off right? The skull is really evident in the image at the first look itself. And he has made it all using the VHS tapes. Look at the image closely and you won't find anything else. Now that is really amazing. Hats off to the creativity and efforts of the artist.

category : AMAZING | ART

Optical Illusion : One Missed Call Movie Poster

One missed call is a Hollywood remake of a Japanese horror. While the original movie spawned a total of three installments, this remake could only come up with one. The reason was the inferior quality of the movie. Just for the suggestion, do not watch this remake and opt for the original instead. Coming to the illusion, this surly appears to be a disfigured and spooky face but just concentrate on it a bit more. Can you see two faces with mouth wide open that is sufficing as the eyes of the main face? This is a great job done by the artist who has created this poster.

category : ART | FACE

Optical Illusion : Lifting Sun like Hercules

We know Hercules actually lifted the earth and not the sun. But by the title, we are just implying the strength part here. Of course, this illusion have some flaws and we are telling you that so that you can create an even better illusion yourself. The hands are going inside the body of sun and only if they were a little low in height, it would have looked much more impressive. But still, the creativity is nice and we appreciate the thinking.

Optical Illusion : Monster Faced Pumpkin

Sometimes we wonder how these artists are able to create as fine results as this. The answer is simple - hard work, passion, dedication and patience. Even you can be an artist just like them if you can incorporate all these things in yourself. Coming back to the carved pumpkin, yes we must say that it is highly detailed. There are several layers giving depth to it and the facial features including how the artist has portrayed the teeth is amazing.

category : ART

Optical Illusion : Man Riding on a Girl

In this illusion, you can see two things. First of all, there is a man on the girl's back. Is he from the Lilliput? And her reaction is nothing unusual as if he had been that way all the time. Secondly, the leg of this girl is abnormally long and with awkward shape. Well, answering the first thing, the guy is sitting on the bench that you can see on the left most of the picture. The pattern on the girl's top matches with the color of the man's pants and the positioning is perfect so that they appear to be overlapping. Secondly, that is not her leg and the arm of a person sitting out of the focus of lens that clicked this picture. Again, the position is causing an illusion.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Beautiful Heart Shaped Cloud

How will you feel if this is what you see when you look out of your window on a lazy Sunday morning? Some might refer to this as the god's way of saying that he loves you. Some might perceive it as a sign straight from the cupid. The loving couples might get excited looking at it and feel loved. Different people and different perceptions. But all together, the heart shaped cloud undeniably looks like a perfect start for the day.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Floating Tap

This image is bound to generate curiosity in every mind. "How is this possible?" is the question which crops up in mind after seeing this. This marvelous illusion is created with the help of a hidden pipe under the stream of water. This whole structure stands on it. While supporting the structure, the pipe also serves as water carrier.

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