Optical Illusion : Trapped in a Deadly Hole

It seems like we have reached the dungeons of Egypt where some people have been trapped in search of the valuable treasure. This man is helping one of the man in reaching to the surface again. One skeleton defines the death of a person years ago. On the left far end, you can see an old person trying to reach the surface. One man is screaming for help close to the camera. So much in such a limited space. This is an amazing art by the artist. One can even explore it metaphorically while we will stay mum at that as we are here to simply enjoy some exceptional optical illusions.


Optical Illusion : Two Faces Or Vase

What do you see in the given picture ?

Optical Illusion : Hungry Eye

What is happening? At first, we were left a tad bit confused about this illusion. But a closer look explained everything. We must say that the artist has done a remarkable job with this illusion. By no means can anyone deduce the fact that the eye has been painted over the lips and thus this scary effect is being imparted towards us. For a moment, you will actually be confused for sure. This is an excellent creativity for sure.

Optical Illusion : Stroop Effect

This stroop effect optical illusion is really something. You can see an image below. Can you read out aloud without stammering or slowing down your pace of reading?

category : LOGIC

Optical Illusion : Decapitated Head on Beach

Now this outdoor illusion is truly scary. All we see is a body with the head decapitated and kept on the side of the body. But the head is still smiling as if laughing at us because we are truly scared to watch it. No it is because she has managed to fool us. How about if there are two bodies in this illusion? One is lying down and the camera is kept at an angle in which we can't see her head. The other is neck deep in the sand. Surprise right? This is the only possible explanation unless somebody has tried to Photoshop the image.

category : TRICKY

Optical Illusion : Smashed Elevator Door

It looks like someone has torn apart this elevator door. It also looks like someone smashed the door from the inside. A powerful super strength punch probably? You will be shocked to hear that this is actually a paint art. Yes you read it absolutely right. Someone has 3d painted the elevator door in a manner that it looks smashed from the inside. Well, it is too realistic and we want to applause for the artist who has done this job. We wonder how many people would have stopped at the door seeing this for the first time.

category : COOL | ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Kill Bill

That's just a normal man. But wait what do you see as the door opens? The man is literally split into two and when the doors open fully you know the reason. Uma Thurman is literally on a killing spree again. The blood smeared sword puts the additional details to the illusion. Well obviously if you are not familiar with the movie you might be wondering what we are babbling about. So for the people who don't know, this illusion signifies a popular movie franchise. It is giving an illusion that the girl with the sword has cut the man into half with the sword.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : The Mischievous Lamp

Yes it's just a lamp. Look at the image now. We are sure you must have found the lamp now. But what was the first image you perceived in this illusion? That's not fault. The mind can play dirty sometimes. So what might have appeared as the legs of a woman is actually a lamp. The factor important in creating this illusion is the background color. It matches so much with the skin color that anybody can get the wrong idea.

Optical Illusion : Realistic Well Sketch

Look at the fine details of this amazing simple looking sketch. Other than the 3s sketching of the well, the artist thought of including his pencil in the sketch as well. Well, is the pencil real or even that has been painted? We believe it is real and the artist simply sketched its shadow on the paper. Ultimately, it is creating even more depth in the picture. This is an amazing sketch and even not a complicated one at that.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Head out of Mouth

In this picture, it appears as if a head is popping out of this man's mouth. It is pretty much like those horror movies we see these days. It was a hand in The Possession and seems they have improved from hand to a complete head. However this is just the result of a photo bomb. The head belongs to a person who is present at the far end of the picture. The positioning has been set to ultimately give out the effect that the head is coming out of the mouth.

Optical Illusion : Witch Reading Book

Someone must have done it intentionally. This is because the position of the book is exactly what it should be. It is matching the outline of the real girl's face with the witch's face that is printed on the book's cover. This is the reason why it is creating an illusion that the girl is the witch actually. However, the girl's face is hidden behind the book actually. Now, this is something that you can create yourself as well. Pretty easy right?

category : FUNNY

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