Optical Illusion : Popular Square or Not

Do you think that the shape that is appearing to be like a square by any chance a square really?


Optical Illusion : Parallel Lines Shape-Distortion

What about the red lines? Do you think they are straight and parallel?

Optical Illusion : Miraculously Glowing Bulb

This is a very popular illusion and one of those that you might have seen several times in the social media sites. This is the reason why he could not help ourselves but post it here in our site. Probably you need no explanation on what to do but it is our duty to tell you that. Just stare at the image for half a minute or a full minute and then shift your eyes to any white surface. It can be your ceiling, you wall, your floor and if you have nothing, it can be a plain white sheet of paper. You will see that the bulb is glowing.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : The Dark Knight Afterimage

We know that most of you are the fans of The Dark Knight so this illusion is dedicated to all of you. The illusion is a simple one. You can see a clip art image of batman below. You have to stare at the middle of the image. Staring at the bat logo will suffice best. Stare there for about half a minute. Now immediately turn your eyes towards a white wall or ceiling and blink your eyes. You will see an inverted image of batman now and it will appear in its true black form. Share among your friends and amaze them too.

category : COOL

Optical Illusion : Legs Up or Down

This is a simple example of ambiguous illusion. Whoever has created this image has done a good job in framing the ambiguous effect. You just have to look at the picture and decide if it shows some feet raised up high or it shows some feet hanging down. Confused right? Let us tell you a secret. The image works in both ways. This is because it has been created in such a way. The artist has just fused the image so you may perceive both in a single image.

category : ART | PERCEPTION

Optical Illusion : Abnormally Long Beard

The first impression you will go through while looking at this pic will be that it has been photoshopped and not real. But what if we tell you that whatever you are looking at is completely real. However, we suggest you change your focus from the beard to the lower body of the man. Do you think something unusual? Yes, it is actually a girl who is standing in front of the guy. The height is perfectly appropriate to create this illusion. Also, the same colored clothes are responsible for the merging of two bodies that appear to be one. Isn't this illusion really awesome?

Optical Illusion : Thirsty Horse

Now this is an excellent image. Other than the beautiful seascape, you can also find an illusion here. Look at the far end of the image on the left side. It is just the part of the island but can you trace a figure in that? Well yes, it do appears like a horse for us. We are sure you can also relate this figure with a horse. Also, since his face appears to be touching the water surface, it looks like you are looking at a thirsty horse drinking water from the sea.

Optical Illusion : Mind Blowing Artifice Painting

This is an absolute masterpiece. Of course you will be able to see two different things and situations in this painting. The first one is the portrait which is quite clear. But what helped in making the portrait? The other picture/situation is of a girl standing and awaiting the approaching train. Her hair have been used to form the eyes of the portrait, her arm the nose, the folds of her dress as the mouth and beard. Just look at the ear of the portrait. You will find a street lamp and a person. The steam emerging from the train form the hair of the portrait. Amazing right? Definitely it is.

category : AMAZING | ART

Optical Illusion : Fancy Stilettos

We bet you did not notice the stiletto placed in the white area in the first glance. What you might have noticed is the zoomed in image on the left. Now what does that look like? We are sure we need not explain anything as that is what most of the minds would have thought about and why not? It appears to be a sensual female figure but when you look at the stiletto picture, you realize that you have been dirty thinking again. They are just a pair of feet wearing the pair of stilettos. Next time when your mind is busy thinking odd things, do think in other sense as well.

Optical Illusion : Beautiful Girl 3D Sketch

This is absolutely stunning. How can someone create such a graceful woman sketch with a three dimensional effect. Except probably the facial expressions that appear to be a little hard, the rest of the posture, the arms and the dress simply looks so beautiful, so elegant and so graceful. Guess we used three adjectives defining the same meaning. Probably we were too charmed by the output that the artist has managed to produce in this three dimensional sketch.

category : ART | 3D

Optical Illusion : Beautiful Heart Shaped Cloud

How will you feel if this is what you see when you look out of your window on a lazy Sunday morning? Some might refer to this as the god's way of saying that he loves you. Some might perceive it as a sign straight from the cupid. The loving couples might get excited looking at it and feel loved. Different people and different perceptions. But all together, the heart shaped cloud undeniably looks like a perfect start for the day.

category : ANAMORPHIC

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