Optical Illusion : Smashed Elevator Door

It looks like someone has torn apart this elevator door. It also looks like someone smashed the door from the inside. A powerful super strength punch probably? You will be shocked to hear that this is actually a paint art. Yes you read it absolutely right. Someone has 3d painted the elevator door in a manner that it looks smashed from the inside. Well, it is too realistic and we want to applause for the artist who has done this job. We wonder how many people would have stopped at the door seeing this for the first time.

category : COOL | ART | 3D


Optical Illusion : Famous Ebbinghaus

Which of these orange circle is larger?

Optical Illusion : Amazing Missing Shapes

What geometrical figure can you perceive in the two images?

Optical Illusion : Most Popular Jesus

Stare at the image for about a minute with concentration and then look at the blank wall in front of you. What do you see?

category : AMAZING | FACE

Optical Illusion : Creepy Golfing

At the first look you might take it as just a normal image. A person is golfing and there is water with splashes of water. Most of you might have had it till here only at the first look. But can you now concentrate on the splashes of water a bit more? If you see it now, you will be terrified of what you see. For those who were not able to see, the splashes form a scary image of a wolf man or a devil. It's up to you what you see. We are not sure if this is a real image or someone has brushed it up in Photoshop but it is definitely worth adding to our list.

category : ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Terrifying Bounty Hunter

The picture that we have added is self-explanatory but it is still our job to explain you what you have to notice in this picture. There is a bounty hunter that is pointing his gun at you. Yes we know that you know that. But just try to tilt your head away from the screen. You can go sideways or vertically but wherever you move your head, he will still be aiming his gun at you. Is the gun moving? That Bounty Hunter is surely going to hit you today. Isn't this illusion quite creepy?

Optical Illusion : Beautiful Flowers or Beautiful Face

We are sure that you must have seen similar illusions all over the internet. But we could not help but add this illusion. It is quite simple but at the same time defines the true meaning of ambiguous illusions. But let us clarify that it is an art and not an original picture. Can you perceive both flowers and a face in this picture? We really liked how a butterfly is also added into the picture which is adding details to the perception of the face. Probably without it, the illusion might not have been looked as effective as it is looking now.

Optical Illusion : Simple Rabbit or Duck

This is another simple example of ambiguous illusion. You can even draw it out on a paper for your kid/s. What you have to determine is whether the figure drawn here portrays a rabbit or a duck. It's really funny how some simple strokes of lines are able to play with our mind. You will surly agree with us when we say that this is as simple as it can get when we are talking about an ambiguous illusion.

Optical Illusion : Dog Man

Now this is something really amusing. It really feels like there is a dog human or dogman sitting on the seat. Were you able to find the truth behind this illusion? Actually there is a person sitting on the seat and next to him, there is a dog. The person's head is not visible because he is probably dozing off with his head lying out of the range of camera. This is the reason that you are seeing a dogman instead of two different living beings in the picture. The illusion is amazing though.

Optical Illusion : Sitting on Commode

Now, this is one interesting shadow illusion. On the wall, you can see a person sitting on the commode and lost in his own thoughts. But the reality is completely different when you look at what is making the shadow. There are three people and a rectangle box. Together, they are taking a position that makes the shadow on the wall. Looking at their faces, you can guess how much they are enjoying their little activity. This is kind of a thing that you can try as well. See if you can come up with something as interesting as this.

category : FUNNY | COOL

Optical Illusion : Statue of Liberty Shadow

This is definitely an easy one. But yet, the effort and innovativeness was good. You actually have to think before doing anything. After watching something, so many people can imitate but to come up with something is actually difficult. This is what the lady is doing in this illusion. She has positioned herself in the position like you can see in the statue of liberty. We are not sure what she has in her hair that are making up for the crown. Overall, the output is decent enough and something you can try at homes as well.

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