Optical Illusion : Sinister Flower

Flowers are supposed to be beautiful and pretty right. But even they die someday. This illusion is really amazing and thought provoking. The decaying flower signifies death. But are you able to find a skull in the center? It acts as a metaphor for the death for sure. Even a beautiful flower is bound to die someday. But let us not go into the metaphors and philosophy for now. Let us just enjoy this magnificent illusion.


Optical Illusion : Two Faces Or Vase

What do you see in the given picture ?

Optical Illusion : Crazy Shaky Trippy

This illusion is also known as the pulsating illusion. Just concentrate a bit on the center and move your eyes to random areas to find the whole image shaking or pulsating.

category : TRIPPY | MOVING

Optical Illusion : Color of the Ring

Is the shade of grey on the ring even on both of the sides?

category : PUZZLES

Optical Illusion : Famous Cars Size Perspective Distortion

Are the three cars shown in the picture of same size?

Optical Illusion : Stunning Anamorphic Sculpture

This is one of the most stunning anamorphic structure we have ever come across. Just think about the calculations that are necessary before creating such an illusion. This process cannot just rely on artistic hands but also requires a lot of patience and computing. The sculptor Jonty Hurwitz does computing before he begins sculpting such anamorphic illusions. The output is simply fabulous. Search for the artist for more of such illusions by him.

Optical Illusion : Moving Orange Spirals

If you cover one half of the image and just look at only one spiral, you might not even perceive it as moving (some of you might still see them moving). But together, you can't deny that they are moving. Just look at them turn by turn without stopping and they will move as you move your eyes. Isn't it amazing?

category : COOL | TRIPPY

Optical Illusion : Scary Kids Snap

You might be feeling that it is a cool family picture right? These kids look so happy together, then what can be scary about this picture? Try deducing it yourself first before we tell you in the next line what you have to do. So you've given up already? Alright then, take this image and try it rotating in any image viewer. You'll be shocked to find something that you had not seen earlier. It was scary right? Whoever has manipulated the picture has done a great job.

category : FACE

Optical Illusion : Mutant Man

This illusion is really scary. For a few seconds you would not be able to believe your eyes and you will think that it is a modified image. But let us tell you that this is a real image. There is nothing edited in it. It looks believable because the man who is bending is wearing pants that match with the color of blazer the other guy is wearing. If you take your eyes from the upper portion of the photo and look at the bottom, you will find another leg which belongs to the man standing behind. That's the truth behind this illusion. They are actually two people. The positioning and the camera angle is responsible for what you are perceiving.

category : FUNNY

Optical Illusion : Rocket Speed Bird

Well this bird has got a jetpack installed on its back it seems which is enabling it to fly at rocket speed leaving the trail behind. Whoever has clicked this pick happens to have a great timing or just got lucky. A moment here or there and the result would not have been as astounding as it appears to be now. Of course there is a jet hidden behind the bird. What were you thinking? Timing plays a major role in such illusions. You should literally be camera ready always. Who know what you may find the next moment that is worth capturing?

category : COOL | ANAMORPHIC

Optical Illusion : Thirsty Horse

Now this is an excellent image. Other than the beautiful seascape, you can also find an illusion here. Look at the far end of the image on the left side. It is just the part of the island but can you trace a figure in that? Well yes, it do appears like a horse for us. We are sure you can also relate this figure with a horse. Also, since his face appears to be touching the water surface, it looks like you are looking at a thirsty horse drinking water from the sea.

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